Mehran Zamani
Mehran Zamani
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ut.ac.ir
Effect of microstructural refinement and intercritical annealing time on mechanical properties of high-formability dual phase steel
M Nouroozi, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 736, 22-26, 2018
Fine tuning the mechanical properties of dual phase steel via thermomechanical processing of cold rolling and intercritical annealing
S Nikkhah, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Materials Chemistry and Physics 230, 1-8, 2019
Synergistic effects of holding time at intercritical annealing temperature and initial microstructure on the mechanical properties of dual phase steel
F Jamei, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 750, 125-131, 2019
Effect of Intercritical Annealing on Mechanical Properties and Work‐Hardening Response of High Formability Dual Phase Steel
M Maleki, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
steel research international 89 (4), 1700412, 2018
Enhancement of mechanical properties of low carbon dual phase steel via natural aging
M Zamani, H Mirzadeh, M Maleki
Materials Science and Engineering: A 734, 178-183, 2018
Effect of intercritical annealing conditions on grain growth kinetics of dual phase steel
F Najafkhani, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Metals and Materials International 25, 1039-1046, 2019
Improved mechanical properties of mild steel via combination of deformation, intercritical annealing, and quench aging
S Nikkhah, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 756, 268-271, 2019
Mechanical properties and fracture behavior of intercritically annealed AISI 4130 chromoly steel
M Zamani, H Mirzadeh, HM Ghasemi
Materials Research Express 5 (6), 066548, 2018
Ferrite recrystallisation and intercritical annealing of cold-rolled low alloy medium carbon steel
M Tavakoli, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Materials Science and Technology 35 (16), 1932-1941, 2019
Effect of Intercritical Annealing Time at Pearlite Dissolution Finish Temperature (Ac1f) on Mechanical Properties of Low-Carbon Dual-Phase Steel
M Maleki, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28, 2178-2183, 2019
Static recrystallization kinetics of ferrite in cold-deformed medium carbon steel
M Tavakoli, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Materials Research Express 6 (12), 1265g9, 2020
Microstructure tailoring for property improvements of DP steel via cyclic intercritical annealing
YK Farshchi, H Mirzadeh, M Tavakoli, M Zamani
Materials Research Express 6 (12), 126513, 2019
Effect of variation of martensite with a constant carbon content on mechanical behavior and sliding wear of dual phase steels
M Zamani, HM Ghasemi, H Mirzadeh
Tribology Letters 70 (3), 73, 2022
Dependency of Natural Aging on the Ferritfoe Grain Size in Dual-Phase Steel
M Zamani, H Mirzadeh, HM Ghasemi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 4961-4964, 2019
Processing of Fine-Grained DP300/600 Dual Phase Steel from St12 Structural Steel by the Thermo-Mechanical Processing of Cold Rolling and Intercritical Annealing
M Zamani, H Mirzadeh, M Nouroozi
International Journal of Iron & Steel Society of Iran 15 (2), 12-17, 2018
Improvement of Mechanical Properties and Work-Hardening Behavior of Intercritically Annealed Dual Phase Steel
M Zamani, H Mirzadeh, M Maleki, F Jamei
International Journal of Iron & Steel Society of Iran 15 (1), 28-32, 2018
Cover Photo
M Maleki, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
Intercritical Annealing Response of AISI 4130 Steel
M Zamani, H Mirzadeh, HM Ghasemi
Enhanced mechanical properties of dual phase steel by a simple thermo-mechanical processing route
M Nouroozi, H Mirzadeh, M Zamani
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