John Y. Hung
John Y. Hung
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Auburn University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в auburn.edu
Variable structure control: A survey
JY Hung, W Gao, JC Hung
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 40 (1), 2-22, 1993
Future energy systems: Integrating renewable energy sources into the smart power grid through industrial electronics
M Liserre, T Sauter, JY Hung
IEEE industrial electronics magazine 4 (1), 18-37, 2010
Evaluation of DSP-based PID and fuzzy controllers for DC–DC converters
L Guo, JY Hung, RM Nelms
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 56 (6), 2237-2248, 2009
Adaptive control of flexible-joint manipulators
F Ghorbel, JY Hung, MW Spong
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 9 (7), 9-13, 1989
Implementation of a fuzzy controller for DC-DC converters using an inexpensive 8-b microcontroller
T Gupta, RR Boudreaux, RM Nelms, JY Hung
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 44 (5), 661-669, 1997
Denial of service attacks on network-based control systems: impact and mitigation
M Long, CH Wu, JY Hung
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 1 (2), 85-96, 2005
Performance analysis of vector tracking algorithms for weak GPS signals in high dynamics
M Lashley, DM Bevly, JY Hung
IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing 3 (4), 661-673, 2009
Design of currents to reduce torque ripple in brushless permanent magnet motors
JY Hung, Z Ding
IEE Proceedings B (Electric Power Applications) 140 (4), 260-266, 1993
PID controller modifications to improve steady-state performance of digital controllers for buck and boost converters
L Guo, JY Hung, RM Nelms
APEC. Seventeenth Annual IEEE applied power electronics conference and …, 2002
Path tracking of an autonomous ground vehicle with different payloads by hierarchical improved fuzzy dynamic sliding-mode control
CL Hwang, CC Yang, JY Hung
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 26 (2), 899-914, 2017
A sensorless optimal control system for an automotive electric power assist steering system
M Parmar, JY Hung
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 51 (2), 290-298, 2004
Magnetic bearing control using fuzzy logic
JY Hung
Conference Record of the 1993 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Twenty …, 1993
Feedback control with posicast
JY Hung
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 50 (1), 94-99, 2003
Comparative evaluation of sliding mode fuzzy controller and PID controller for a boost converter
L Guo, JY Hung, RM Nelms
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (1), 99-106, 2011
Digital controller design for buck and boost converters using root locus techniques
L Guo, JY Hung, RM Nelms
IECON'03. 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2003
Simulation and modeling of a DC-DC converter controlled by an 8-bit microcontroller
RR Boudreaux, RM Nelms, JY Hung
Proceedings of APEC 97-Applied Power Electronics Conference 2, 963-969, 1997
Effects of sensor placement and errors on path following control of a mobile robot-trailer system
DW Hodo, JY Hung, DM Bevly, S Millhouse
2007 American Control Conference, 2165-2170, 2007
A valid comparison of vector and scalar tracking loops
M Lashley, DM Bevly, JY Hung
IEEE/ION position, location and navigation symposium, 464-474, 2010
Minimization of torque ripple in permanent magnet motors: a closed form solution
JY Hung, Z Ding
Proceedings of the 1992 International Conference on Industrial Electronics …, 1992
Posicast control past and present
JY Hung
IEEE Multidisciplinary engineering education magazine 2 (1), 7-11, 2007
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