Tiago Carvalho
Tiago Carvalho
Researcher, CIES-IUL, Lisbon University Institute
Підтверджена електронна адреса в iscte-iul.pt - Домашня сторінка
Spreading rebellion?: The rise of extinction rebellion chapters across the world
P Gardner, T Carvalho, M Valenstain
Environmental Sociology 8 (4), 424-435, 2022
Alliance building and eventful protests: comparing Spanish and Portuguese trajectories under the Great Recession
M Portos, T Carvalho
Social Movement Studies 21 (1-2), 42-61, 2022
Children and digital diversity: From ‘unguided rookies’ to ‘self-reliant cybernauts’
AN De Almeida, NDA Alves, A Delicado, T Carvalho
Childhood 19 (2), 219-234, 2012
Internet, children and space: Revisiting generational attributes and boundaries
AN de Almeida, A Delicado, N de Almeida Alves, T Carvalho
New Media & Society 17 (9), 1436-1453, 2015
Crianças e internet: a ordem geracional revisitada
AN de Almeida, N de Almeida Alves, A Delicado, T Carvalho
Análise social 48 (207), 340-365, 2013
Contesting Austerity: A Comparative Approach to the Cycles of Protest in Portugal and Spain under the Great Recession (2008-2015)
T Carvalho
University of Cambridge, 2018
Contesting Austerity: Social Movements and the Left in Portugal and Spain (2008-2015)
T Carvalho
Amsterdam University Press, 2022
Infâncias digitais
AN Almeida, A Delicado, NA Alves, T Carvalho, D Carvalho
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2015
Esfera pública, democracia e internet: os bloggers em Portugal
T Carvalho, JL Casanova
Observatorio (OBS*), 91-118, 2010
From the ‘unfinished revolution’to the ‘defence of the revolution’: Framing the transition in austerity-era Portugal
T Carvalho, P Ramos Pinto
Rethinking Democratisation in Spain, Greece and Portugal, 199-227, 2019
Modernidade, classes sociais e cidadania política: Portugal sob um olhar internacional
T Carvalho
Análise Social, 650-674, 2014
The use of religion by populist parties: the case of Italy and its broader implications
M Caiani, T Carvalho
Religion, state & society 49 (3), 211-230, 2021
Social classes and tolerance to corruption in Portugal: What is the relationship?
M Moriconi, T Carvalho
Portuguese Journal of Social Science 15 (2), 299-318, 2016
As crianças e a internet: usos e representações-a família e a escola. Relatório da 2ª fase de trabalhos-entrevistas a crianças, pais e professores
AN Almeida, A Delicado, NA Alves, T Carvalho
[ICS/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian], 2011
Marginal gentrifiers, networks of mobilization and new contentious collective identities. The struggle for housing in post-austerity Lisbon
G Accornero, T Carvalho
Housing Studies 40 (1), 229-252, 2025
Crianças, famílias e Internet: contextos, usos e mediação
AN Almeida, A Delicado, NA Alves, T Carvalho
Infância, Crianças, Internet: desafios na era digital, 179-215, 2012
Obstáculos de classe à cidadania em Portugal
T Carvalho
Portugal uma Sociedade de Classes: Polarização Social e Vulnerabilidade, 63-78, 2013
As crianças e a internet-relatório da 2ª fase do trabalho: Entrevistas a crianças, pais e professores
AN Almeida, NA Alves, A Delicado, T Carvalho
Lisboa: ICS/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2011
Analysing protest events: A quantitative and systematic approach
T Carvalho
Handbook of research methods and applications for social movements, 257-270, 2024
The Symbolism of the Street in Portuguese Contention
G Accornero, T Carvalho, PR Pinto
Symbolic Objects in Contentious Politics. Ann Arbor: The University of …, 2022
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