Gang Peng (彭刚)
Gang Peng (彭刚)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в polyu.edu.hk - Домашня сторінка
The influence of language experience on categorical perception of pitch contours
G Peng, HY Zheng, T Gong, RX Yang, JP Kong, WSY Wang
Journal of Phonetics 38 (4), 616-624, 2010
Cross-language differences in the brain network subserving intelligible speech
J Ge, G Peng, B Lyu, Y Wang, Y Zhuo, Z Niu, LH Tan, AP Leff, JH Gao
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (10), 2972-2977, 2015
Temporal and tonal aspects of Chinese syllables: A corpus-based comparative study of Mandarin and Cantonese
G Peng
Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 134-154, 2006
Eastward Flows the Great River: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William S-Y. Wang on his 80th Birthday.
G Peng, F Shi
ISBN: 978-962-937-216-3, City University of Hong Kong Press, 2013
Tone recognition of continuous Cantonese speech based on support vector machines
G Peng, WSY Wang
Speech Communication 45 (1), 49-62, 2005
The effect of intertalker variations on acoustic–perceptual mapping in Cantonese and Mandarin tone systems
G Peng, C Zhang, HY Zheng, JW Minett, WSY Wang
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 55 (2), 579-595, 2012
The impact of tone systems on the categorical perception of lexical tones: An event-related potentials study
HY Zheng, JW Minett, G Peng, WSY Wang
Language and Cognitive Processes 27 (2), 184-209, 2012
Sub-lexical phonological and semantic processing of semantic radicals: A primed naming study
L Zhou, G Peng, HY Zheng, IF Su, WSY Wang
Reading and Writing 26 (6), 967-989, 2013
Unequal effects of speech and nonspeech contexts on the perceptual normalization of Cantonese level tones
C Zhang, G Peng, WSY Wang
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (2), 1088-1099, 2012
Mandarin third tone sandhi requires more effortful phonological encoding in speech production: Evidence from an ERP study
C Zhang, Q Xia, G Peng
Journal of Neurolinguistics 33, 149-162, 2015
The development of categorical perception of Mandarin tones in four-to seven-year-old children
F Chen, G Peng, N Yan, L Wang
Journal of Child Language 44 (6), 1413-1434, 2017
Functionally integrated neural processing of linguistic and talker information: An event-related fMRI and ERP study
C Zhang, KR Pugh, WE Mencl, PJ Molfese, SJ Frost, JS Magnuson, ...
NeuroImage 124, 536-549, 2016
A Chinese text input brain–computer interface based on the P300 speller
JW Minett, HY Zheng, MCM Fong, L Zhou, G Peng, WSY Wang
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 28 (7), 472-483, 2012
Hemisphere lateralization is influenced by bilingual status and composition of words
G Peng, WSY Wang
Neuropsychologia 49 (7), 1981-1986, 2011
The networks of syllables and characters in Chinese
G Peng, JW Minett, WSY Wang
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 15 (3), 243-255, 2008
Achieving constancy in spoken word identification: Time course of talker normalization
C Zhang, G Peng, WSY Wang
Brain and language 126 (2), 193-202, 2013
Development and evaluation of a 3-D virtual pronunciation tutor for children with autism spectrum disorders
F Chen, L Wang, G Peng, N Yan, X Pan
PLoS One 14 (1), e0210858, 2019
Productivity of Mandarin third tone sandhi: a wug test
C Zhang, G Peng
Eastward flows the great river: Festschrift in honor of Prof. William SY …, 2013
Pre-lexical phonological processing in reading Chinese characters: An ERP study
L Zhou, MCM Fong, JW Minett, G Peng, WSY Wang
Journal of Neurolinguistics 30, 14-26, 2014
Language experience influences non-linguistic pitch perception
G Peng, D Deutsch, T Henthorn, D Su, WSY Wang
Journal of Chinese Linguistics 39 (2), 447-467, 2013
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