Dmitry Koznov
Dmitry Koznov
Підтверджена електронна адреса в spbu.ru - Домашня сторінка
Knowledge management capability impact on enterprise performance in Russian high-tech sector
EN Gorlacheva, AG Gudkov, IN Omelchenko, PA Drogovoz, DV Koznov
2018 IEEE international conference on engineering, technology and innovation …, 2018
Computer-supported collaborative learning with mind-maps
D Koznov, M Pliskin
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods …, 2008
DocLine: A method for software product lines documentation development
DV Koznov, KY Romanovsky
Programming and Computer Software 34, 216-224, 2008
Detecting near duplicates in software documentation
DV Luciv, DV Koznov, GA Chernishev, AN Terekhov, KY Romanovsky, ...
Programming and Computer Software 44, 335-343, 2018
Open government data in russian federation
D Koznov, O Andreeva, U Nikula, A Maglyas, D Muromtsev, I Radchenko
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.05164, 2016
Refactoring the documentation of software product lines
K Romanovsky, D Koznov, L Minchin
Software Engineering Techniques: Third IFIP TC 2 Central and East European …, 2011
OCL-based automated validation method for UML specifications
L Ol'Khovich, DV Koznov
Programming and Computer Software 29, 323-327, 2003
Clone detection in reuse of software technical documentation
D Koznov, D Luciv, HA Basit, OE Lieh, M Smirnov
Perspectives of System Informatics: 10th International Andrei Ershov …, 2016
TraceSim: a method for calculating stack trace similarity
R Vasiliev, D Koznov, G Chernishev, A Khvorov, D Luciv, N Povarov
Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Machine …, 2020
Process model of DSM solution development and evolution for small and medium-sized software companies
D Koznov
2011 IEEE 15th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing …, 2011
S3M: Siamese stack (trace) similarity measure
A Khvorov, R Vasiliev, G Chernishev, IM Rodrigues, D Koznov, N Povarov
2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2021
Round-trip engineering of reactive systems
DV Koznov
Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of …, 2004
The Knowledge Managment Capability of High-Technology Enterprises.
E Gorlacheva, A Gudkov, DV Koznov, I Omelchenko
KMIS, 131-138, 2017
On fuzzy repetitions detection in documentation reuse
DV Luciv, DV Koznov, HA Basit, AN Terekhov
Programming and Computer Software 42, 216-224, 2016
RTST++: Methodology and a CASE tool for the development of information systems and software for real-time systems
AN Terekhov, KY Romanovskii, DV Koznov, PS Dolgov, AN Ivanov
Programming and Computer Software 25 (5), 276-281, 1999
Teaching to write software engineering documents with focus on document design by means of mind maps
DV Koznov
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced …, 2012
Mind maps merging in collaborative work
D Koznov, E Larchik, M Pliskin, N Artamonov
Programming and Computer Software 37 (6), 315-321, 2011
REAL-IT: Model-Based User Interface Development Environment
A Ivanov, D Koznov
Proceedings of IEEE/NASA ISoLA 2005 Workshop on Leveraging Applications of …, 2005
Counterexamples to the Kalman conjectures
NV Kuznetsov, OA Kuznetsova, D Koznov, RN Mokaev, B Andrievsky
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (33), 138-143, 2018
On project-specific languages and their application in reengineering
D Boulychev, D Koznov, AA Terekhov
Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Software Maintenance and …, 2002
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