Qistina Omar
Qistina Omar
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uitm.edu.my
Characterization of Palm Oil Mill Secondary Effluent (POMSE).
NSA Shahrifun, NN Abâ, H Hussain, A Aris, Q Omar, N Ahmad
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 (1), 2015
Oil palm fronds activated carbon via microwave-assisted H3PO4 activation: Box-Behnken optimization for crystal violet dye removal
NA Shamsudin, Q Omar, I Ismail, NA Hassan, SA Rahim, NF Dzulkafli, ...
AUIQ Complementary Biological System 1 (1), 77-88, 2024
Photochemical synthesis of nanosheet tin di/sulfide with sunlight response on water pollutant degradation
J Matmin, MA Jalani, H Osman, Q Omar, NN Ab’lah, K Elong, MF Kasim
Nanomaterials 9 (2), 264, 2019
Optimization of carbon nanotube-coated monolith by direct liquid injection chemical vapor deposition based on taguchi method
O Qistina, A Salmiaton, TSY Choong, YH Taufiq-Yap, S Izhar
Catalysts 10 (1), 67, 2020
Sorption of malachite green (MG) by cassava stem biochar (CSB) kinetic and isotherm studies
M Zaid, NA Jamion, Q Omar, SK Yong
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences 9 (6S), 273-287, 2017
Reusability of Fenton sludge to reduce COD and color on palm oil mill secondary effluent (POMSE)
NS Ahmad Shahrifun, NN Ab’lah, H Hussain, A Aris, Q Omar, N Ahmad
Advanced Materials Research 1113, 486-491, 2015
Optimization of solar Fenton oxidation and comparison of recycle wet and dried fenton sludge in treating palm oil mill secondary effluent
NSA Shahrifun, H Hussain, Q Omar
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 78 (6-7), 2016
Magnesium-impregnated biochar for the removal of total phosphorous from artificial human urine
NFM Idrus, NA Jamion, Q Omar, SAISM Ghazali, ZA Majid, SK Yong
International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7 (3.11), 218-222, 2018
Recovery and Reuse of iron From Solar Fenton SLudge in Treating Palm Oil Mill Secondary Effluent (POMSE)
Q Omar
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2008
Characterization Of Carbon Nanotubes Coated Monolith Synthesized Via Chemical Vapor Deposition
O Qistina, A Salmiaton, TSY Choong, S Izhar, YH Taufiq-Yap
淡江理工學刊 28 (1), 13-23, 2025
Magnetite Nanoparticle on Modified Fenton Degradation in Treating Emerging Pollutant of Paracetamol
NWMM Zainuddin, Q Omar, TC Chay
Junior Science Communication 32, 11-11, 2024
Reusability of iron sludge by solar photo-Fenton oxidation in treatment of Palm Oil Mill Secondary Effluent (POMSE)
Q Omar, N Ab’lah, N Ahmad, H Hussain, NS Ahmad Syahrifun
Research Innovation Business Unit, 2014
Mild Preparation of Two-Dimensional Layered Tin Disulfide for Visible Photocatalyst
H Osman, J Matmin, Q Omar, N Ablah, NKA Kamaruzzaman, ...
ASiDCON 2018 Proceeding Book, 38, 0
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