Inuk Kang
Inuk Kang
LGS Labs - CACI, Inc
Підтверджена електронна адреса в caci.com
Electronic structure and optical properties of PbS and PbSe quantum dots
I Kang, FW Wise
JOSA B 14 (7), 1632-1646, 1997
Time-resolved x-ray diffraction from coherent phonons during a laser-induced phase transition
AM Lindenberg, I Kang, SL Johnson, T Missalla, PA Heimann, Z Chang, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (1), 111-114, 2000
Synthesis and characterization of PbSe quantum dots in phosphate glass
A Lipovskii, E Kolobkova, V Petrikov, I Kang, A Olkhovets, T Krauss, ...
Applied physics letters 71 (23), 3406-3408, 1997
Simultaneous temporal characterization of telecommunication optical pulses and modulators by use of spectrograms
C Dorrer, I Kang
Optics letters 27 (15), 1315-1317, 2002
Measurement of eye diagrams and constellation diagrams of optical sources using linear optics and waveguide technology
C Dorrer, CR Doerr, I Kang, R Ryf, J Leuthold, PJ Winzer
Lightwave Technology, Journal of 23 (1), 178-186, 2005
Sensitive measurement of nonlinear refraction and two-photon absorption by spectrally resolved two-beam coupling
I Kang, T Krauss, F Wise
Optics letters 22 (14), 1077-1079, 1997
Femtosecond measurement of enhanced optical nonlinearities of sulfide glasses and heavy-metal-doped oxide glasses
I Kang, TD Krauss, FW Wise, BG Aitken, NF Borrelli
JOSA B 12 (11), 2053-2059, 1995
Experimental test of dense wavelength-division multiplexing using novel, periodic-group-delay-complemented dispersion compensation and dispersion-managed solitons
LF Mollenauer, A Grant, X Liu, X Wei, C Xie, I Kang
Optics letters 28 (21), 2043-2045, 2003
System design for large-scale ion trap quantum information processor
J Kim, S Pau, Z Ma, HR Mclellan, JV Gates, A Kornblit, RE Slusher, ...
Quantum Information & Computation 5 (7), 515-537, 2005
OSNR monitoring method for OOK and DPSK based on optical delay interferometer
X Liu, YH Kao, S Chandrasekhar, I Kang, S Cabot, LL Buhl
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19 (15), 1172-1174, 2007
Complete temporal characterization of short optical pulses by simplified chronocyclic tomography
C Dorrer, I Kang
Optics letters 28 (16), 1481-1483, 2003
Highly sensitive direct characterization of femtosecond pulses by electro-optic spectral shearing interferometry
C Dorrer, I Kang
Optics letters 28 (6), 477-479, 2003
All-optical XOR and XNOR operations at 86.4 Gb/s using a pair of semiconductor optical amplifier Mach-Zehnder interferometers
I Kang, M Rasras, L Buhl, M Dinu, S Cabot, M Cappuzzo, LT Gomez, ...
Optics Express 17 (21), 19062-19066, 2009
Regenerative all optical wavelength conversion of 40-Gb/s DPSK signals using a semiconductor optical amplifier Mach-Zehnder interferometer
I Kang, C Dorrer, L Zhang, M Rasras, L Buhl, A Bhardwaj, S Cabot, ...
Optical Communication, 2005. ECOC 2005. 31st European Conference on 6, 29-30, 2005
Multi-channel transmission of quantum information
M Dinu, C Dorrer, C Giles, I Kang, D Marom
US Patent App. 11/210,973, 2006
Reduced recovery time semiconductor optical amplifier using p-type-doped multiple quantum wells
L Zhang, I Kang, A Bhardwaj, N Sauer, S Cabot, J Jaques, DT Neilson
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 18 (22), 2323-2325, 2006
Studies of optical non-linearities of chalcogenide and heavy-metal oxide glasses
S Smolorz, I Kang, F Wise, BG Aitken, NF Borrelli
Journal of non-crystalline solids 256, 310-317, 1999
Real-time implementation of linear spectrograms for the characterization of high bit-rate optical pulse trains
C Dorrer, I Kang
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 16 (3), 858-860, 2004
Chirped return-to-zero modulation by imbalanced pulse carver driving signals
PJ Winzer, C Dorrer, RJ Essiambre, I Kang
Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE 16 (5), 1379-1381, 2004
Characterization of the dynamical processes in all-optical signal processing using semiconductor optical amplifiers
I Kang, C Dorrer, L Zhang, M Dinu, M Rasras, LL Buhl, S Cabot, ...
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 14 (3), 758-769, 2008
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