Johanna Varner
Johanna Varner
Підтверджена електронна адреса в coloradomesa.edu
Behavioral flexibility as a mechanism for coping with climate change
EA Beever, LE Hall, J Varner, AE Loosen, JB Dunham, MK Gahl, FA Smith, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (6), 299-308, 2017
Scientific outreach: toward effective public engagement with biological science
J Varner
BioScience 64 (4), 333-340, 2014
The Importance of Biologically Relevant Microclimates in Habitat Suitability Assessments
J Varner, MD Dearing
PLOS ONE 9 (8), e104648, 2014
Gut microbial communities of American pikas (Ochotona princeps): Evidence for phylosymbiosis and adaptations to novel diets
KD Kohl, J Varner, JL Wilkening, MD Dearing
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (2), 323-330, 2018
Device for high throughput investigations of multi-cellular interactions
RD Kamm, HH Asada, WA Farahat, IK Zervantonakis, LB Wood, ...
US Patent 9,261,496, 2016
Dietary plasticity in pikas as a strategy for atypical resource landscapes
J Varner, MD Dearing
Journal of Mammalogy 95 (1), 72-81, 2014
Alternatives to genetic affinity as a context for within-species response to climate
AB Smith, EA Beever, AE Kessler, AN Johnston, C Ray, CW Epps, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (10), 787-794, 2019
Relating Sub-Surface Ice Features to Physiological Stress in a Climate Sensitive Mammal, the American Pika (Ochotona princeps)
JL Wilkening, C Ray, J Varner
PLoS One 10 (3), e0119327, 2015
Plastic pikas: behavioural flexibility in low-elevation pikas (Ochotona princeps)
J Varner, JJ Horns, MS Lambert, E Westberg, JS Ruff, K Wolfenberger, ...
Behavioural Processes 125, 63-71, 2016
Connected while distant: networking CUREs across classrooms to create community and empower students
PK Connors, HC Lanier, LP Erb, J Varner, L Dizney, EA Flaherty, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 61 (3), 934-943, 2021
When can we measure stress noninvasively? Postdeposition effects on a fecal stress metric confound a multiregional assessment
JL Wilkening, C Ray, J Varner
Ecology and evolution 6 (2), 502-513, 2016
An introduction to the Squirrel-Net teaching modules
L Dizney, PK Connors, J Varner, JM Duggan, HC Lanier, LP Erb, ...
CourseSource 7, 2020
Long-term patterns of immune investment by wild deer mice infected with Sin Nombre virus
EM Lehmer, JD Jones, MG Bego, JM Varner, SS Jeor, CA Clay, ...
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83 (5), 847-857, 2010
Activity patterns and foraging behavior of American pikas (Ochotona princeps) differ between Craters of the Moon and alpine talus in Idaho
MJ Camp, LA Shipley, J Varner, BD Waterhouse
Western North American Naturalist 80 (1), 49-69, 2020
Squirreling around for science: observing sciurid rodents to investigate animal behavior
PK Connors, HC Lanier, LP Erb, J Varner, L Dizney, EA Flaherty, ...
CourseSource 7, 2020
A microfluidic device to investigate axon targeting by limited numbers of purified cortical projection neuron subtypes
S Tharin, CR Kothapalli, PH Ozdinler, L Pasquina, S Chung, J Varner, ...
Integrative Biology 4 (11), 1398-1405, 2012
Squirrels in space: using radio telemetry to explore the space use and movement of sciurid rodents
JM Duggan, J Varner, HC Lanier, EA Flaherty, L Dizney, CJ Yahnke, ...
CourseSource 7, 2020
How many squirrels are in the shrubs? A lesson plan for comparing methods for population estimation
J Varner, HC Lanier, J Duggan, L Dizney, EA Flaherty, PK Connors, ...
CourseSource, 2020
Teaching Mammalogy in the 21st century: advances in undergraduate education
EA Flaherty, HC Lanier, J Varner, JM Duggan, S Beckmann, CJ Yahnke, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 104 (4), 655-666, 2023
Too hot to trot? Evaluating the effects of wildfire on patterns of occupancy and abundance for a climate-sensitive habitat specialist
J Varner, MS Lambert, JJ Horns, S Laverty, L Dizney, EA Beever, ...
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2015
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