José Carlos Montañés
José Carlos Montañés
PhD, Hospital del Mar Research Institute
Підтверджена електронна адреса в imim.es
LCOR mediates interferon-independent tumor immunogenicity and responsiveness to immune-checkpoint blockade in triple-negative breast cancer
I Pérez-Núñez, C Rozalen, JÁ Palomeque, I Sangrador, M Dalmau, ...
Nature cancer 3 (3), 355-370, 2022
DNMT1 promotes genome methylation and early embryo development in cockroaches
A Ventós-Alfonso, G Ylla, JC Montañes, X Belles
Iscience 23 (12), 2020
Chronic fructose intake does not induce liver steatosis and inflammation in female Sprague–Dawley rats, but causes hypertriglyceridemia related to decreased VLDL receptor …
G Sangüesa, JC Montañés, M Baena, RM Sánchez, N Roglans, M Alegret, ...
European journal of nutrition 58, 1283-1297, 2019
Chronic liquid fructose, but not glucose, supplementation selectively induces visceral adipose tissue leptin resistance and hypertrophy in female sprague‐dawley rats
G Sangüesa, N Roglans, JC Montañés, M Baena, AM Velázquez, ...
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 62 (22), 1800777, 2018
Evolutionary trajectories of new duplicated and putative de novo genes
JC Montañés, M Huertas, X Messeguer, MM Albà
Molecular Biology and Evolution 40 (5), msad098, 2023
The Addition of Liquid Fructose to a Western-Type Diet in LDL-R−/− Mice Induces Liver Inflammation and Fibrogenesis Markers without Disrupting Insulin Receptor …
G Sangüesa, M Baena, N Hutter, JC Montañés, RM Sánchez, N Roglans, ...
Nutrients 9 (3), 278, 2017
Native RNA sequencing in fission yeast reveals frequent alternative splicing isoforms
JC Montañés, M Huertas, SG Moro, WR Blevins, M Carmona, J Ayté, ...
Genome Research 32 (6), 1215-1227, 2022
siRNA enrichment in Argonaute 2-depleted Blattella germanica
JC Montañés, C Rojano, G Ylla, MD Piulachs, JL Maestro
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms 1864 (6-7 …, 2021
DNA methylation in cockroaches is essential in early embryo development and reduces gene expression noise
A Ventos-Alfonso, G Ylla, JC Montañes, X Belles
bioRxiv, 2020.08. 26.267906, 2020
GENCODE: massively expanding the lncRNA catalog through capture long-read RNA sequencing
G Kaur, T Perteghella, S Carbonell-Sala, J Gonzalez-Martinez, T Hunt, ...
bioRxiv, 2024
High polymorphism levels of de novo ORFs in a Yoruba human population
C Vara, JC Montañés, MM Albà
Genome Biology and Evolution 16 (7), evae126, 2024
Chronic fructose intake does not induce liver steatosis and inflammation in female Sprague-Dawley rats, but causes hypertriglyceridemia related to decreased VLDL receptor …
G Sangüesa Puigventós, JC Montañés, M Baena Muñoz, RM Sánchez, ...
European Journal of Nutrition, 2019, vol. 58, num. 3, p. 1283-1297, 2019
Blattella germanica piRNAs in materno-zygotic transition
JC Montañés, N Llonga, X Bellés, J Bau, MD Piulachs
Argonaute-2 role in dsRNA processing in cockroaches
JC Montañés, C Rojano, MD Piulachs, JL Maestro
The Piwi pathway in Blattella germanica ovaries
O Paniello, JC Montañés, V Pagone, MD Piulachs
Elsevier, 2019
Chronic liquid fructose, but not glucose, supplementation selectively induces visceral adipose tissue leptin resistance and hypeertrophy in female Sprague-Dawley rats
G Sangüesa Puigventós, N Roglans i Ribas, JC Montañés, ...
Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2018, vol. 62, num. 22, p. e1800777-, 2018
The addition of liguid fructose to a Western-type diet in LDL-R-/-mice induces liver inflammation and fibrogenesis markers without disrupting insulin receptor signalling after …
G Sangüesa Puigventós, M Baena Muñoz, N Hutter, JC Montañés, ...
Nutrients, 2017, vol. 9, num. 278, 2017
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