Alessio Fagioli
Alessio Fagioli
Assistant Professor
Підтверджена електронна адреса в unitelmasapienza.it
MS-Faster R-CNN: Multi-stream backbone for improved Faster R-CNN object detection and aerial tracking from UAV images
D Avola, L Cinque, A Diko, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, A Mecca, D Pannone, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (9), 1670, 2021
Ultrasound medical imaging techniques: a survey
D Avola, L Cinque, A Fagioli, G Foresti, A Mecca
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (3), 1-38, 2021
Study on transfer learning capabilities for pneumonia classification in chest-x-rays images
D Avola, A Bacciu, L Cinque, A Fagioli, MR Marini, R Taiello
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 221, 106833, 2022
Multimodal feature fusion and knowledge-driven learning via experts consult for thyroid nodule classification
D Avola, L Cinque, A Fagioli, S Filetti, G Grani, E Rodolà
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 32 (5), 2527-2534, 2021
Deep temporal analysis for non-acted body affect recognition
D Avola, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, C Massaroni
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (3), 1366-1377, 2020
3D hand pose and shape estimation from RGB images for keypoint-based hand gesture recognition
D Avola, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, A Fragomeni, D Pannone
Pattern Recognition 129, 108762, 2022
LieToMe: Preliminary study on hand gestures for deception detection via Fisher-LSTM
D Avola, L Cinque, M De Marsico, A Fagioli, GL Foresti
Pattern Recognition Letters 138, 455-461, 2020
A novel GAN-based anomaly detection and localization method for aerial video surveillance at low altitude
D Avola, I Cannistraci, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Diko, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (16), 4110, 2022
Person re-identification through Wi-Fi extracted radio biometric signatures
D Avola, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Fagioli, C Petrioli
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 17, 1145-1158, 2022
Low-altitude aerial video surveillance via one-class SVM anomaly detection from textural features in UAV images
D Avola, L Cinque, A Di Mambro, A Diko, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, MR Marini, ...
Information 13 (1), 2, 2021
R-SigNet: Reduced space writer-independent feature learning for offline writer-dependent signature verification
D Avola, MJ Bigdello, L Cinque, A Fagioli, MR Marini
Pattern Recognition Letters 150, 189-196, 2021
LieToMe: An ensemble approach for deception detection from facial cues
D Avola, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti
International Journal of Neural Systems 31 (02), 2050068, 2021
Real-time deep learning method for automated detection and localization of structural defects in manufactured products
D Avola, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, MR Marini, F Rossi
Computers & Industrial Engineering 172, 108512, 2022
Automatic estimation of optimal UAV flight parameters for real-time wide areas monitoring
D Avola, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, D Pannone, C Piciarelli
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80 (16), 25009-25031, 2021
Master and rookie networks for person re-identification
D Avola, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, C Massaroni
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 18th International Conference …, 2019
Bodyprint—a meta-feature based LSTM hashing model for person re-identification
D Avola, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, D Pannone, C Piciarelli
Sensors 20 (18), 5365, 2020
Feature-based SLAM algorithm for small scale UAV with nadir view
D Avola, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, C Massaroni, D Pannone
Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2019: 20th International Conference …, 2019
Affective action and interaction recognition by multi-view representation learning from handcrafted low-level skeleton features
D Avola, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti
International journal of neural systems 32 (10), 2250040, 2022
Human silhouette and skeleton video synthesis through Wi-Fi signals
D Avola, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti
International Journal of Neural Systems 32 (05), 2250015, 2022
Analyzing EEG data with machine and deep learning: A benchmark
D Avola, M Cascio, L Cinque, A Fagioli, GL Foresti, MR Marini, ...
International conference on image analysis and processing, 335-345, 2022
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