Selma Büyükkılıç Beyzi
Selma Büyükkılıç Beyzi
Підтверджена електронна адреса в erciyes.edu.tr
Changes in fatty acid and mineral composition of rapeseed (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera L.) oil with seed sizes
E Beyzi, A Gunes, SB Beyzi, Y Konca
Industrial Crops and Products 129, 10-14, 2019
Water deficit and nitrogen affects yield and feed value of sorghum sudangrass silage
M Kaplan, K Kara, A Unlukara, H Kale, SB Beyzi, IS Varol, M Kizilsimsek, ...
Agricultural Water Management 218, 30-36, 2019
The effects of different nitrogen doses and irrigation levels on yield, nutritive value, fermentation and gas production of corn silage
M Kaplan, O Baran, A Unlukara, H Kale, M Arslan, K Kara, SB Beyzı, ...
Turkish Journal of Field Crops 21 (1), 101-109, 2016
Change in some biochemical and bioactive properties and essential oil composition of coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum L.) varieties from Turkey
E Beyzi, K Karaman, A Gunes, SB Beyzi
Industrial Crops and Products 109, 74-78, 2017
Effect of hempseed (Cannabis sativa sp.) inclusion to the diet on performance, carcass and antioxidative activity in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
Y Konca, B Cimen, H Yalcin, M Kaliber, SB Beyzi
Korean journal for food science of animal resources 34 (2), 141, 2014
Effects of heat-treated hempseed supplementation on performance, egg quality, sensory evaluation and antioxidant activity of laying hens
Y Konca, T Yuksel, H Yalcin, SB Beyzi, M Kaliber
British poultry science 60 (1), 39-46, 2019
Effects of thyme essential oil and A, C, and E vitamin combinations to diets on performance, egg quality, MDA, and 8-OHdG of laying hens under heat stress
S Büyükkılıç Beyzi, Y Konca, M Kaliber, S Sarıözkan, B Kocaoğlu Güçlü, ...
Journal of Applied Animal Research 48 (1), 126-132, 2020
Chemical, nutritive, fermentation profile and gas production of citrus pulp silages, alone or combined with maize silage
İ Ülger, SB Beyzi, M Kaliber, Y Konca
South African Journal of Animal Science 50 (1), 161-169, 2020
Determination of chemical, nutritional and fermentation properties of citrus pulp silages
SB Beyzi, İ Ülger, M Kaliber, Y Konca
Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 6 (12), 1833-1837, 2018
Yaş şeker pancarı posasının bazı meyve posaları ile silolanmasının silaj kalite özellikleri, enerji değerleri ve organik madde sindirilebilirlikleri üzerine etkisi
İ Ülger, M Kaliber, SB Beyzi, Y Konca
Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science 29 (2), 19-25, 2015
The effects of freezing and supplementation of molasses and inoculants on chemical and nutritional composition of sunflower silage
Y Konca, SB Beyzi, T Ayaşan, M Kaliber, AB Kiraz
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 29 (7), 965, 2016
Possible ensiling of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) residues
İ Ülger, M Kaliber, SB Beyzi, Y Konca
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 44 (4), 853-859, 2020
Milk and fatty acid composition of Anatolian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) from different provinces
MU Çınar, T Özsoy, SB Beyzi, M Kaliber, Y Konca
Buffalo Bulletin 38 (1), 107-118, 2019
Chemical, Fermentative, Nutritive and Anti-nutritive Composition of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) Plant and Silage
SB Beyzi, İ Ülger, Y Konca
Waste and Biomass Valorization 14 (3), 927-936, 2023
Treatment of alfalfa silage with chitosan at different levels to determine chemical, nutritional, fermentation, and microbial parameters
S Sırakaya, SB Beyzi
Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of …, 2022
Effect of lavender and peppermint essential oil on in vitro methanogenesis and fermentation of feed with buffalo rumen liquor
SB Beyzi
Buffalo Bulletin 39 (3), 311-321, 2020
Chemical and nutritional changes in sunflower silage associated with molasses, lactic acid bacteria and enzyme supplementation
Y Konca, SB Beyzı, M Kalıber, İ Ülger
Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi 19 (4), 223-231, 2015
The effect of different dietary purslane seed (Portulaca oleracea L.) levels on carcass, blood lipid profile and antioxidant activity in quails
Y Konca, SB Beyzi, M Karabacak, E Yaylak
Journal of Poultry Research 12 (2), 1-6, 2015
Effects of dietary supplementation of dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) and yucca (Yucca schidigera) on broiler performance, carcass traits, intestinal viscosity and …
S Sariozkan, Y Konca, BK Guclu, K Kara, N Ildiz, F Kirkpinar, SB Beyzi, ...
Journal of Poultry Research 12 (1), 5-11, 2015
The effects of dietary lipids and roughage level on dairy goat performance, milk physicochemical composition, apparent transfer efficiency and biohydrogenation rate of milk …
SB Beyzi, M Gorgulu, HR Kutlu, Y Konca
The Journal of Agricultural Science 158 (4), 288-296, 2020
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