Vitalii Latyshev
Vitalii Latyshev
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Підтверджена електронна адреса в student.upjs.sk
Evaluation of hydrogen evolution reaction activity of molybdenum nitride thin films on their nitrogen content
M Kozejova, V Latyshev, V Kavecansky, H You, S Vorobiov, ...
Electrochimica Acta 315, 9-16, 2019
Nanostructured ZnO films for potential use in LPG gas sensors
VM Latyshev, TO Berestok, AS Opanasyuk, AS Kornyushchenko, ...
Solid State Sciences 67, 109-113, 2017
Self-organization of copper nanosystems under Volmer–Weber conditions during quasi-equilibrium condensation
VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska, AS Kornyushchenko, VM Latyshev
Physica B: Condensed Matter 411, 140-148, 2013
Screening of electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction using bipolar electrodes fabricated by composition gradient magnetron sputtering
V Latyshev, S Vorobiov, O Shylenko, V Komanicky
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 854, 113562, 2019
Electrochemically induced strain evolution in Pt–Ni alloy nanoparticles observed by Bragg coherent diffraction imaging
T Kawaguchi, V Komanicky, V Latyshev, W Cha, ER Maxey, R Harder, ...
Nano Letters 21 (14), 5945-5951, 2021
Magnetic phase transition and magnetoelectric coupling in FeRh/PZT film composite
AA Amirov, VV Rodionov, V Komanicky, V Latyshev, EY Kaniukov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 479, 287-290, 2019
Formation, charge transfer, structural and morphological characteristics of ZnO fractal-percolation nanosystems
V Perekrestov, V Latyshev, A Kornyushchenko, Y Kosminska
Journal of Electronic Materials 48, 2788-2793, 2019
Formation of porous zinc nanostructures during self‐organization of critically small steady‐state supersaturations
V Perekrestov, A Kornyushchenko, V Latyshev, S Ostendorp, G Wilde
physica status solidi (b) 252 (2), 397-403, 2015
Self-assembly of porous Cu structures during steady-state condensation of weakly supersaturated vapors
VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska, AS Kornyushchenko, VM Latyshev
Journal of Porous Materials 21, 1159-1167, 2014
Enhancing catalytic activity of rhodium towards methanol electro-oxidation in both acidic and alkaline media by alloying with iron
V Latyshev, H You, A Kovalcikova, V Komanicky
Electrochimica Acta 330, 135178, 2020
Influence of substrate temperature on structural and optical properties of bismuth oxide thin films deposited by close-spaced vacuum sublimation
MM Ivashchenko, IP Buryk, VM Latyshev, AO Stepanenko, KS Levchenko
Superlattices and Microstructures 88, 600-608, 2015
Study of synergistic effects and compositional dependence of hydrogen evolution reaction on MoxNiy alloy thin films in alkaline media
R Bodnarova, M Kozejova, V Latyshev, S Vorobiov, M Lisnichuk, H You, ...
Molecular Catalysis 528, 112481, 2022
Structural dependence of hydrogen evolution reaction on transition metal catalysts sputtered at different temperatures in alkaline media
M Kozejova, R Bodnarova, V Latyshev, M Lisnichuk, V Girman, H You, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (63), 26987-26999, 2022
Study of the internal compositions of binary alloy pd-rh nanoparticles by using bragg coherent diffraction imaging
T Kawaguchi, W Cha, V Latyshev, S Vorobiov, V Komanicky, H You
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 75, 528-533, 2019
IrRe-IrOx electrocatalysts derived from electrochemically oxidized IrRe thin films for efficient acidic oxygen evolution reaction
V Latyshev, S Vorobiov, R Bodnarova, O Shylenko, M Lisnichuk, ...
Electrochimica Acta 398, 139248, 2021
Controlling the transverse magneto-optical kerr effect in cr/nife bilayer thin films by changing the thicknesses of the cr layer
H Hashim, M Kozhaev, P Kapralov, L Panina, V Belotelov, I Víšová, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (2), 256, 2020
Formation of porous zinc nanosystems using direct and reverse flows of DC magnetron sputtering
VM Latyshev, VI Perekrestov, HS Korniushchenko, IV Zahaiko
STC Institute for single Crystals, 2017
Fabrication of combinatorial material libraries by flow cell electrodeposition technique
V Latyshev, S Vorobiov, O Shylenko, V Komanicky
Materials Letters 281, 128594, 2020
Investigation of structural changes in AsxSe100-x amorphous thin films after electron beam irradiation with XAFS, XANES and Kelvin force microscopy
O Shylenko, B Bilanych, V Bilanych, V Latyshev, K Saksl, Z Molcanova, ...
Applied Surface Science 530, 147266, 2020
Magnetothermal properties of mesoscopic system based on Ni3Pt nanoparticle
S Vorobiov, B Stropkai, M Kožejová, OP Tkach, V Latyshev, E Čižmár, ...
Polish Akademy of Sciences, 2020
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