Daniel W Oesterle
Daniel W Oesterle
Підтверджена електронна адреса в purdue.edu - Домашня сторінка
Bystander intervention among college men: The role of alcohol and correlates of sexual aggression
LM Orchowski, A Berkowitz, J Boggis, D Oesterle
Journal of interpersonal violence 31 (17), 2824-2846, 2016
Sexual assault prevention for heavy drinking college men: Development and feasibility of an integrated approach
LM Orchowski, NP Barnett, A Berkowitz, B Borsari, D Oesterle, C Zlotnick
Violence against women 24 (11), 1369-1396, 2018
Emotion regulation and intimate partner violence perpetration: A meta-analysis
MA Maloney, CI Eckhardt, DW Oesterle
Clinical psychology review 100, 102238, 2023
Emotion dysregulation predicts dropout from prolonged exposure treatment among women veterans with military sexual trauma-related posttraumatic stress disorder
AK Gilmore, C Lopez, W Muzzy, WJ Brown, A Grubaugh, DW Oesterle, ...
Women's Health Issues 30 (6), 462-469, 2020
A qualitative analysis of bystander intervention among heavy-drinking college men
DW Oesterle, LM Orchowski, O Moreno, A Berkowitz
Violence against women 24 (10), 1207-1231, 2018
A qualitative analysis of sexual consent among heavy-drinking college men
LM Orchowski, DW Oesterle, O Moreno, M Yusufov, A Berkowitz, A Abbey, ...
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37 (7-8), NP5566-NP5593, 2022
Usability testing of a mobile health intervention to address acute care needs after sexual assault
AK Gilmore, TM Davidson, RM Leone, LB Wray, DW Oesterle, CK Hahn, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (17), 3088, 2019
Intimate partner violence and coerced unprotected sex among young women attending community college
LM Orchowski, M Yusufov, D Oesterle, KW Bogen, C Zlotnick
Archives of sexual behavior 49, 871-882, 2020
Web-based alcohol and sexual assault prevention program with tailored content based on gender and sexual orientation: preliminary outcomes and usability study of positive …
AK Gilmore, RM Leone, DW Oesterle, KC Davis, LM Orchowski, ...
JMIR formative research 6 (7), e23823, 2022
Preventing sexual violence in sexual orientation and gender diverse communities: A call to action
AM Blackburn, BW Katz, DW Oesterle, LM Orchowski
European journal of psychotraumatology 15 (1), 2297544, 2024
Alcohol use and risk factors for sexual aggression: Differences according to relationship status
JC Norona, B Borsari, DW Oesterle, LM Orchowski
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (9-10), NP5125-NP5147, 2021
Alcohol use and alcohol‐related consequences based on gender and sexual orientation among college students
AM Schipani‐McLaughlin, KE Nielsen, EA Mosley, RM Leone, ...
The American journal on addictions 31 (3), 189-199, 2022
Effects of couple conflict on alcohol craving: Does intimate partner violence play a role?
JC Flanagan, AM Jarnecke, RM Leone, DW Oesterle
Addictive behaviors 109, 106474, 2020
Implementing school‐wide sexual assault prevention in middle schools: A qualitative analysis of school stakeholder perspectives
LM Orchowski, DW Oesterle, ZY Zong, KW Bogen, AR Elwy, AD Berkowitz, ...
Journal of community psychology 51 (3), 1314-1334, 2023
Sexual assault victimization: Latinx identity as a protective factor for sexual minorities
AK Gilmore, K Walsh, C López, K Fortson, DW Oesterle, NK Salamanca, ...
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (13-14), NP12542-NP12563, 2022
The instigating effects of isolation on substance-related intimate partner violence: A review
CI Eckhardt, DW Oesterle, MA Maloney
Current opinion in psychology 44, 18-23, 2022
Rape myth acceptance and sexual aggression among college men: Examining perceived peer approval as a moderating risk factor
DW Oesterle, LM Orchowski, AD Berkowitz
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 32 (10), 1428-1446, 2023
Correlates of bystander intervention attitudes and intentions among young adult active duty male soldiers
LM Orchowski, A Berkowitz, D Oesterle, C Berry-Cabán, B Borsari, ...
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (23-24), NP23262-NP23280, 2022
New perspectives on risk factors for non-fatal strangulation and post-assault imaging
GB McKee, K Gill-Hopple, DW Oesterle, LE Daigle, AK Gilmore
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (9-10), NP8226-NP8236, 2022
Barriers to accessing mental health care after a sexual assault medical forensic examination
AK Gilmore, RM Leone, CK Hahn, DW Oesterle, TM Davidson
Journal of forensic nursing 17 (2), 84-92, 2021
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