Erick Guerra
Erick Guerra
Підтверджена електронна адреса в upenn.edu - Домашня сторінка
Half-mile circle: Does it best represent transit station catchments?
E Guerra, R Cervero, D Tischler
Transportation research record 2276 (1), 101-109, 2012
Mood and mode: does how we travel affect how we feel?
EA Morris, E Guerra
Transportation 42, 25-43, 2015
Planning for Cars That Drive Themselves: Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Transportation Plans, and Autonomous Vehicles
E Guerra
Journal of Planning Education and Research 36 (2), 210 - 224, 2016
Beyond mobility: Planning cities for people and places
R Cervero, E Guerra, S Al
Island Press, 2017
Electric vehicles, air pollution, and the motorcycle city: A stated preference survey of consumers’ willingness to adopt electric motorcycles in Solo, Indonesia
E Guerra
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 68, 52-64, 2019
Transit user perceptions of driverless buses
X Dong, M DiScenna, E Guerra
Transportation 46, 35-50, 2019
Are we there yet? Trip Duration and Mood During Travel
E Morris, E Guerra
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 33, 38-47, 2015
Cost of a ride: The effects of densities on fixed-guideway transit ridership and costs
E Guerra, R Cervero
Journal of the american planning association 77 (3), 267-290, 2011
Urban form, transit supply, and travel behavior in Latin America: Evidence from Mexico's 100 largest urban areas
E Guerra, C Caudillo, P Monkkonen, J Montejano
Transport Policy 69, 98-105, 2018
The geography of car ownership in Mexico City: a joint model of households’ residential location and car ownership decisions
E Guerra
Journal of Transport Geography 43, 171-180, 2015
The built environment and car use in Mexico City: Is the relationship changing over time?
E Guerra
Journal of Planning Education and Research 34 (4), 394-408, 2014
Crash risk, crash exposure, and the built environment: A conceptual review
LA Merlin, E Guerra, E Dumbaugh
Accident Analysis & Prevention 134, 105244, 2020
Urban densities and transit: A multi-dimensional perspective
R Cervero, E Guerra
Mexico City's suburban land use and transit connection: The effects of the Line B Metro expansion
E Guerra
Transport Policy 32, 105-114, 2014
Urban sprawl and the growing geographic scale of segregation in Mexico, 1990–2010
P Monkkonen, A Comandon, JAM Escamilla, E Guerra
Habitat International 73, 89-95, 2018
Developing a common narrative on urban accessibility: An urban planning perspective
G Duranton, E Guerra
Getting around a license-plate ban: Behavioral responses to Mexico City’s driving restriction
E Guerra, A Millard-Ball
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 55, 113-126, 2017
Where do bike lanes work best? A Bayesian spatial model of bicycle lanes and bicycle crashes
MC Kondo, C Morrison, E Guerra, EJ Kaufman, DJ Wiebe
Safety science 103, 225-233, 2018
Does lacking a car put the brakes on activity participation? Private vehicle access and access to opportunities among low-income adults
EA Morris, E Blumenberg, E Guerra
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 136, 375-397, 2020
Electric vehicles and residential parking in an urban environment: Results from a stated preference experiment
E Guerra, RA Daziano
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 79, 102222, 2020
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