Ann O'Connell
Ann O'Connell
Professor of Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Measurement, The Ohio State University
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Logistic regression models for ordinal response variables
AA O'Connell
sage, 2006
Multilevel modeling of educational data
AA O'Connell, DB McCoach
IAP, 2008
The influence of early science experience in kindergarten on children's immediate and later science achievement: Evidence from the early childhood longitudinal study
M Saçkes, KC Trundle, RL Bell, AA O'Connell
Journal of research in science teaching 48 (2), 217-235, 2011
Growing readers: A hierarchical linear model of children's reading growth during the first 2 years of school.
DB McCoach, AA O'Connell, SM Reis, HA Levitt
Journal of educational psychology 98 (1), 14, 2006
Language-and literacy-learning opportunities in early childhood classrooms: Children's typical experiences and within-classroom variability
CY Pelatti, SB Piasta, LM Justice, A O’Connell
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 29 (4), 445-456, 2014
The dimensionality of language ability in young children
Language and Reading Research Consortium
Child Development 86 (6), 1948-1965, 2015
Influence of experience, grade level, and subject area on teachers' assessment practices
L Bol, PL Stephenson, AA O'connell, JA Nunnery
The Journal of Educational Research 91 (6), 323-330, 1998
A brief culturally tailored intervention for Puerto Ricans with type 2 diabetes
CY Osborn, KR Amico, N Cruz, AA O'Connell, R Perez-Escamilla, ...
Health Education & Behavior 37 (6), 849-862, 2010
Early childhood educators' knowledge about language and literacy: Associations with practice and children's learning
SB Piasta, S Park, KS Farley, LM Justice, AA O'Connell
Dyslexia 26 (2), 137-152, 2020
Ability grouping across kindergarten using an early childhood longitudinal study
DB McCoach, AA O'Connell, H Levitt
The Journal of Educational Research 99 (6), 339-346, 2006
Errors of inference in structural equation modeling
DB McCoach, AC Black, AA O'Connell
Psychology in the Schools 44 (5), 461-470, 2007
Effectiveness of large-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development on early childhood educator outcomes
SB Piasta, LM Justice, AA O'Connell, SA Mauck, M Weber-Mayrer, ...
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 10 (2), 354-378, 2017
Multilevel logistic models for dichotomous and ordinal data
AA O’Connell, J Goldstein, HJ Rogers, CYJ Peng
Multilevel modeling of educational data, 199-242, 2008
Psychosocial factors associated with the stages of change for condom use among women at risk for HIV and STDs: implications for intervention development.
MJ Stark, HM Tesselaar, AA O'Connell, B Person, C Galavotti, A Cohen, ...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 66 (6), 967, 1998
Applications of hierarchical linear models for evaluations of health interventions: demystifying the methods and interpretations of multilevel models
AA O’Connell, DB McCoach
Evaluation & the Health Professions 27 (2), 119-151, 2004
Teachers’ use of high-and low-support scaffolding strategies to differentiate language instruction in high-risk/economically disadvantaged settings
JM Pentimonti, LM Justice, G Yeomans-Maldonado, AS McGinty, ...
Journal of Early Intervention 39 (2), 125-146, 2017
Approaches to academic growth assessment
EM Anderman, B Gimbert, AA O'Connell, L Riegel
British Journal of Educational Psychology 85 (2), 138-153, 2015
Feasibility of a Self-Determination Theory-based exercise intervention promoting Healthy at Every Size with sedentary overweight women: Project CHANGE
YT Hsu, J Buckworth, BC Focht, AA O'Connell
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (2), 283-292, 2013
Oral language and listening comprehension: Same or different constructs?
Language and Reading Research Consortium
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60 (5), 1273-1284, 2017
The efficacy of serostatus disclosure for HIV transmission risk reduction
AA O’Connell, SJ Reed, JA Serovich
AIDS and Behavior 19, 283-290, 2015
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