safaa abdelrahman
safaa abdelrahman
Professor of Nursing Adminstration,Minia University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в mu.edu.eg - Домашня сторінка
Characterization of heptapeptide toxins extracted from Microcystis aeruginosa (Egyptian isolate) Comparison with some synthesized analogs
S Abdel‐Rahman, YM El‐Ayouty, HA Kamael
International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research 41 (1), 1-7, 1993
Direct and latent effects of two chitin synthesis inhibitors to Spodoptera littoralis Larvae (Boisd.).
SM Abdel Rahman, EM Hegazy, AE Elwey
The neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid: A male reproductive system toxicity inducer-human and experimental study
EM Hafez, SY Issa, MK Ai-Mazroua, KT Ibrahim, SMA Rahman
Toxicol. Open Access 2 (1000109), 2476-2067.1000109, 2016
Three new cases of human infection with Dirofilaria repens, one pulmonary and two subcutaneous, in the Egyptian governorate of Assiut
SM Abdel-Rahman, AE Mahmoud, LAA Galal, A Gustinelli, S Pampiglione
Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology 102 (6), 499-507, 2008
Relationship among public nursing image, self-image, and self-esteem of nurses
S Abdelrahman
J Nurs Health Sci 7 (1), 10-6, 2018
Mating disruption of the jasmine moth Palpita unionalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) using a two pheromone component blend: A case study over three consecutive olive growing …
EM Hegazi, MA Konstantopoulou, P Milonas, A Herz, BE Mazomenos, ...
Crop Protection 26 (6), 837-844, 2007
The influencing factors of absenteeism among nursing students
SM Abdelrahman, AM Abdelkader
Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 7 (10), 64-69, 2017
Is mating disruption effective in controlling the olive moth, Prays oleae?
EM Hegazi, MA Konstantopoulou, A Herz, BE Mazomenos, WE Khafagi, ...
Crop Protection 28 (2), 181-189, 2009
Baclofen systemic toxicity: Experimental histopathological and biochemical study
SY Issa, EM Hafez, AS El-Banna, SM Abdel Rahman, MK AlMazroua, ...
Human & Experimental Toxicology 37 (4), 431-441, 2018
The Relationship between Self-Confidence in Learning and Clinical Educators' Characteristics by Nursing Students.
AM Abdelkader, NS Abed El-Aty, SM Abdelrahman
International Journal of Nursing Education 13 (2), 2021
Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of genital Mycoplasmas among a group of pregnant women
SMA Rahman
Alexandria journal of medicine 52 (4), 353-358, 2016
Seasonality in the occurrence of two lepidopterous olive pests in Egypt
EM Hegazi, MA Konstantopoulou, A Herz, WE Khafagi, E Agamy, ...
Insect Science 18 (5), 565-574, 2011
Joint toxic action of spinosad and spinetoram with certain IGR compounds against cotton leafworm.
SMA Rahman, HK Abou-Taleb
Relation between emotional stability and time management levels among nurses at one day surgeries hospital
MAM Khalifa, SM Abdelrahman, AM Fahmy, SF Gabra
Minia scientific nursing journal 10 (1), 19-26, 2021
Nurses compliance toward patients' rights and its relation to patients satisfaction
ER Fouad, SM Abdelrahman, EA Mohamed
Minia Scientific Nursing Journal 7 (1), 44-53, 2020
Evaluation of enterocheck WB® test in diagnosis of typhoid fever among Egyptian adults
MS Hamdy, S Abdel-Rahman, A Mostafa, S Abd-El Hameed
Egypt J Med Microbiol 23 (4), 47-50, 2014
The impact of cytomegalovirus infection on mechanically ventilated patients in the respiratory and geriatric intensive care units
NM Osman, NM Sayed, SM Abdel-Rahman, SA Hamza
Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis 63 (1), 239-245, 2014
Patient safety culture as perceived by internship nursing students
FRM Safaa Mohamed Abdelrahman 1 *
International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 6 (2), 67-70, 2017
Attitudes of both male and female nurses toward men in nursing in minia university hospital
MA Abdelkader, S Abdelrahman
IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education 6, 46-55, 2016
Response of sugar beet plants to boron and ascorbic acid under filed conditions'
HM Salem, S Abdel-Rahman, SI Mohamed
J. Fac. Educ., Ain Shams Univ 48, 1-20, 2000
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