Jian Guo
Jian Guo
Підтверджена електронна адреса в eee.hku.hk
Impedance analysis and stabilization of virtual synchronous generators with different DC-link voltage controllers under weak grid
J Guo, Y Chen, L Wang, W Wu, X Wang, Z Shuai, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (10), 11397-11408, 2021
Modeling and control parameters design for grid-connected inverter system considering the effect of PLL and grid impedance
Z Xie, Y Chen, W Wu, Y Xu, H Wang, J Guo, A Luo
IEEE Access 8, 40474-40484, 2019
Wideband dq-Frame Impedance Modeling of Load-Side Virtual Synchronous Machine and Its Stability Analysis in Comparison With Conventional PWM Rectifier in …
J Guo, Y Chen, W Wu, X Wang, Z Xie, L Xie, Z Shuai
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (2 …, 2020
Analysis and mitigation of low-frequency interactions between the source and load virtual synchronous machine in an islanded microgrid
J Guo, Y Chen, S Liao, W Wu, L Zhou, Z Xie, X Wang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (4), 3732-3742, 2021
Virtual impedance‐based virtual synchronous generator control for grid‐connected inverter under the weak grid situations
G Li, F Ma, A Luo, Z He, W Wu, X Wei, Z Zhu, J Guo
IET Power Electronics 11 (13), 2125-2132, 2018
Low-frequency oscillation analysis of VSM-based VSC-HVDC systems based on the five-dimensional impedance stability criterion
J Guo, Y Chen, S Liao, W Wu, X Wang, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (4), 3752-3763, 2021
Analysis and suppression of high-frequency oscillation between converter-based source and loads in an island power system
W Wu, Z Xie, Y Chen, J Liu, J Guo, Y Xu, H Wang, A Luo
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 117, 105616, 2020
Harmonic Transfer-Function-Based αβ-Frame SISO Impedance Modeling of Droop Inverters-Based Islanded Microgrid With Unbalanced Loads
J Guo, Z Meng, Y Chen, W Wu, S Liao, Z Xie, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (1), 452-464, 2022
DQ Small-signal impedance modeling of load virtual synchronous machine and stability analysis in weak grid
X Wang, Y Chen, J Guo, W Wu
2019 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 1-5, 2019
Interactions analysis and quadrature voltage compensation control for stabilizing LCC-HVDC system with multiple STATCOMs
H Xia, X Zhou, L Hong, J Guo, Y Liu, H Yin
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 142, 108251, 2022
Island microgrid system, and interactive oscillation suppression method and system therefor
Y Chen, J Guo, W Wu, Z Xie, L Zhou, X Zhou, XU Qianming, Z He
US Patent App. 18/269,464, 2024
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