Francesc Soriguera
Francesc Soriguera
Підтверджена електронна адреса в upc.edu - Домашня сторінка
Autonomous vehicles: theoretical and practical challenges
M Martínez-Díaz, F Soriguera
Transportation research procedia 33, 275-282, 2018
Effects of low speed limits on freeway traffic flow
F Soriguera, I Martínez, M Sala, M Menéndez
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 77, 257-274, 2017
Estimation of traffic stream space mean speed from time aggregations of double loop detector data
F Soriguera, F Robusté
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 19 (1), 115-129, 2011
Capacity of a freeway lane with platoons of autonomous vehicles mixed with regular traffic
M Sala, F Soriguera
Transportation research part B: methodological 147, 116-131, 2021
A continuous approximation model for the optimal design of public bike-sharing systems
F Soriguera, E Jiménez-Meroño
Sustainable Cities and Society 52, 101826, 2020
Autonomous driving: a bird's eye view
M Martínez‐Díaz, F Soriguera, I Pérez
IET intelligent transport systems 13 (4), 563-579, 2019
Highway travel time accurate measurement and short-term prediction using multiple data sources
F Soriguera, F Robusté
Transportmetrica 7 (1), 85-109, 2011
Requiem for freeway travel time estimation methods based on blind speed interpolations between point measurements
F Soriguera, F Robuste
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (1), 291-297, 2010
Assessment of dynamic speed limit management on metropolitan freeways
F Soriguera, JM Torné, D Rosas
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (1), 78-90, 2013
Travel time measurement in closed toll highways
F Soriguera, D Rosas, F Robusté
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44 (10), 1242-1267, 2010
A simulation model for public bike-sharing systems
F Soriguera, V Casado, E Jiménez
Transportation research procedia 33, 139-146, 2018
Platooning of connected automated vehicles on freeways: a bird’s eye view
M Martínez-Díaz, C Al-Haddad, F Soriguera, C Antoniou
Transportation research procedia 58, 479-486, 2021
Deriving traffic flow patterns from historical data
F Soriguera
Journal of Transportation Engineering 138 (12), 1430-1441, 2012
A simulation model for straddle carrier operational assessment in a marine container terminal
F Soriguera, D Espinet
Journal of Maritime Research 3 (2), 19-34, 2006
Macroscopic modeling of connected autonomous vehicle platoons under mixed traffic conditions
M Sala, F Soriguera
Transportation Research Procedia 47, 163-170, 2020
On the value of highway travel time information systems
F Soriguera
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 70, 294-310, 2014
Evaluation of speed limit management on c-32 highway access to barcelona
JM Torné Santos, DM Rosas Díaz, F Soriguera Martí
Proceedings of the TRB 90th Annual Meeting, 1-23, 2011
Travel time measurement using toll infrastructure
F Soriguera, L Thorson, F Robusté
Transportation research record 2027 (1), 99-107, 2007
Optimization of handling equipment in the container terminal of the Port of Barcelona, Spain
F Soriguera, F Robuste, R Juanola, A Lopez-Pita
Transportation research record 1963 (1), 44-51, 2006
Technology: A necessary but not sufficient condition for future personal mobility
M Martínez-Díaz, F Soriguera, I Pérez
Sustainability 10 (11), 4141, 2018
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