Melissa Savaglio
Melissa Savaglio
Підтверджена електронна адреса в monash.edu
Systematic review of school-wide trauma-informed approaches
JC Avery, H Morris, E Galvin, M Misso, M Savaglio, H Skouteris
Journal of child & adolescent trauma 14, 381-397, 2021
Weight stigma and obesity‐related policies: a systematic review of the state of the literature
B Hill, H Bergmeier, AC Incollingo Rodriguez, FK Barlow, A Chung, ...
Obesity Reviews 22 (11), e13333, 2021
Effectiveness, reach, uptake, and feasibility of digital health interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
G Moschonis, G Siopis, J Jung, E Eweka, R Willems, D Kwasnicka, ...
The Lancet Digital Health 5 (3), e125-e143, 2023
“Surviving not thriving”: experiences of health among young people with a lived experience in out-of-home care
M Smales, M Savaglio, H Morris, L Bruce, H Skouteris, R Green
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 25 (1), 809-823, 2020
Effectiveness, reach, uptake, and feasibility of digital health interventions for adults with hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
G Siopis, G Moschonis, E Eweka, J Jung, D Kwasnicka, BYA Asare, ...
The Lancet Digital Health 5 (3), e144-e159, 2023
The use of social media for preconception information and pregnancy planning among young women
H Skouteris, M Savaglio
Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (9), 1892, 2021
Are the voices of young people living in out-of-home care represented in research examining their health?: A systematic review of the literature
M Smales, M Savaglio, S Webster, H Skouteris, B Pizzirani, R O'Donnell, ...
Children and Youth Services Review 113, 104966, 2020
The impact of transition interventions for young people leaving care: a review of the Australian evidence
R O’Donnell, K Hatzikiriakidis, P Mendes, M Savaglio, R Green, ...
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 25 (1), 1076-1088, 2020
Understanding problematic eating in out-of-home care: The role of attachment and emotion regulation
A Norrish, R Cox, A Simpson, H Bergmeier, L Bruce, M Savaglio, ...
Appetite 135, 33-42, 2019
The impact of community mental health programs for Australian youth: a systematic review
M Savaglio, R O’Donnell, K Hatzikiriakidis, D Vicary, H Skouteris
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review 25 (3), 573-590, 2022
An investigation of Australian midwifery curricula for obesity management and health behaviour change training
E Kothe, C Bailey, C Weiner, C Nagle, C Nowson, B Hill, S McPhie, ...
Nurse Education in Practice 36, 54-57, 2019
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for the treatment and early intervention of trauma among first responders: A systematic review
H Morris, K Hatzikiriakidis, M Savaglio, J Dwyer, C Lewis, R Miller, ...
Journal of Traumatic Stress 35 (3), 778-790, 2022
Effect of community mental health care programs in Australia: a systematic review
R O’Donnell, M Savaglio, D Vicary, H Skouteris
Australian Journal of Primary Health 26 (6), 443-451, 2021
The effectiveness of transition interventions to support older patients from hospital to home: a systematic scoping review
R O’Donnell, M Savaglio, H Skouteris, J Banaszak-Holl, C Moranl, ...
Journal of Applied Gerontology 40 (11), 1628-1636, 2021
Psychosocial volunteer support for older adults with cognitive impairment: development of MyCare Ageing using a codesign approach via action research
D Ayton, R O'Donnell, D Vicary, C Bateman, C Moran, VK Srikanth, ...
BMJ open 10 (9), e036449, 2020
Community‐based models of alcohol and other drug support for First Nations peoples in Australia: A systematic review
J Krakouer, M Savaglio, K Taylor, H Skouteris
Drug and Alcohol Review 41 (6), 1418-1427, 2022
An analysis on the implementation of the evidence-based PCOS lifestyle guideline: recommendations from women with PCOS
S Lim, B Wright, M Savaglio, D Goodwin, S Pirotta, L Moran
Seminars in Reproductive Medicine 39 (03/04), 153-160, 2021
‘I’m dealing with all these health issues that could have been addressed when I was younger’. Delivery of health services to Australian young people in out‐of‐home care: Lived …
M Smales, H Morris, M Savaglio, H Skouteris, R Green
Health & Social Care in the Community 30 (4), e1406-e1414, 2022
Problematic eating interventions in out-of-home care: The need for a trauma-informed, attachment-focused approach
M Savaglio, H Bergmeier, R Green, R O’Donnell, B Pizzirani, L Bruce, ...
Australian Social Work 74 (3), 361-372, 2021
Evaluation of the Cradle to Kinder programme for Aboriginal mothers and their children: perspectives from the women and their workers
R O’Donnell, M Bamblett, G Johnson, SA Hunter, K Stringer, S Croisdale, ...
Children Australia 45 (4), 305-311, 2020
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