Abdul Wadood .
Abdul Wadood .
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ut.edu.sa
Improved firefly algorithm for the optimal coordination of directional overcurrent relays
T Khurshaid, A Wadood, SG Farkoush, CH Kim, J Yu, SB Rhee
IEEE Access 7, 78503-78514, 2019
Jaya algorithm with self-adaptive multi-population and Lévy flights for solving economic load dispatch problems
J Yu, CH Kim, A Wadood, T Khurshaid, SB Rhee
IEEE Access 7, 21372-21384, 2019
An improved optimal solution for the directional overcurrent relays coordination using hybridized whale optimization algorithm in complex power systems
T Khurshaid, A Wadood, SG Farkoush, J Yu, CH Kim, SB Rhee
IEEE Access 7, 90418-90435, 2019
An optimized protection coordination scheme for the optimal coordination of overcurrent relays using a nature-inspired root tree algorithm
A Wadood, S Gholami Farkoush, T Khurshaid, CH Kim, J Yu, ZW Geem, ...
Applied Sciences 8 (9), 1664, 2018
A novel multi-population based chaotic JAYA algorithm with application in solving economic load dispatch problems
J Yu, CH Kim, A Wadood, T Khurshiad, SB Rhee
Energies 11 (8), 1946, 2018
Modified particle swarm optimizer as optimization of time dial settings for coordination of directional overcurrent relay
T Khurshaid, A Wadood, SG Farkoush, CH Kim, N Cho, SB Rhee
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 14, 55-68, 2019
Gray wolf optimizer for the optimal coordination of directional overcurrent relay
CH Kim, T Khurshaid, A Wadood, SG Farkoush, SB Rhee
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 13 (3), 1043-1051, 2018
Application of a continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO) for the optimal coordination of overcurrent relays considering a penalty method
A Wadood, CH Kim, T Khurshiad, SG Farkoush, SB Rhee
Energies 11 (4), 869, 2018
Nature-inspired whale optimization algorithm for optimal coordination of directional overcurrent relays in power systems
A Wadood, T Khurshaid, SG Farkoush, J Yu, CH Kim, SB Rhee
Energies 12 (12), 2297, 2019
An optimized adaptive protection scheme for numerical and directional overcurrent relay coordination using Harris hawk optimization
M Irfan, A Wadood, T Khurshaid, BM Khan, KC Kim, SR Oh, SB Rhee
Energies 14 (18), 5603, 2021
Application of the JAYA Algorithm in Solving the Problem of the Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relays in Single‐and Multi‐Loop Distribution Systems
A Wadood, SG Farkoush, T Khurshaid, JT Yu, CH Kim, SB Rhee
Complexity 2019 (1), 5876318, 2019
Nonlinear control design of a half-car model using feedback linearization and an LQR controller
MA Khan, M Abid, N Ahmed, A Wadood, H Park
Applied Sciences 10 (9), 3075, 2020
Investigation and Optimization of Grounding Grid Based on Lightning Response by Using ATP‐EMTP and Genetic Algorithm
S Gholami Farkoush, T Khurshaid, A Wadood, CH Kim, KH Kharal, ...
Complexity 2018 (1), 8261413, 2018
Optimal management of a distribution feeder during contingency and overload conditions by harnessing the flexibility of smart loads
ZM Haider, KK Mehmood, SU Khan, MO Khan, A Wadood, SB Rhee
IEEE Access 9, 40124-40139, 2021
Intelligent islanding detection of microgrids using long short-term memory networks
SBA Bukhari, KK Mehmood, A Wadood, H Park
Energies 14 (18), 5762, 2021
A comparative study of supercapacitor-based STATCOM in a grid-connected photovoltaic system for regulating power quality issues
MM Afzal, MA Khan, MAS Hassan, A Wadood, W Uddin, S Hussain, ...
Sustainability 12 (17), 6781, 2020
Reducing the effect of lightning on step and touch voltages in a grounding grid using a nature-inspired genetic algorithm with ATP-EMTP
SG Farkoush, A Wadood, T Khurshaid, CH Kim, M Irfan, SB Rhee
IEEE Access 7, 81903-81910, 2019
An optimization-based reliability enhancement scheme for active distribution systems utilizing electric vehicles
R Khan, KK Mehmood, SBA Bukhari, K Imran, A Wadood, SB Rhee, ...
IEEE Access 9, 157247-157258, 2021
Design and fabrication of solar thermal energy storage system using potash alum as a pcm
MS Malik, N Iftikhar, A Wadood, MO Khan, MU Asghar, S Khan, ...
Energies 13 (23), 6169, 2020
High speed protection of medium voltage DC distribution system using modified mathematical morphology
MA Shah, SBA Bukhari, K Imran, KK Mehmood, F Mumtaz, A Abusorrah, ...
IET Renewable Power Generation 16 (14), 3134-3148, 2022
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