Felix Cebulla
Felix Cebulla
RWE Offshore Wind
Підтверджена електронна адреса в rwe.com
How much electrical energy storage do we need? A synthesis for the US, Europe, and Germany
F Cebulla, J Haas, J Eichman, W Nowak, P Mancarella
Journal of Cleaner Production 181, 449-459, 2018
Electrical energy storage in highly renewable European energy systems: Capacity requirements, spatial distribution, and storage dispatch
F Cebulla, T Naegler, M Pohl
Journal of Energy Storage 14, 211-223, 2017
Challenges and trends of energy storage expansion planning for flexibility provision in low-carbon power systems–a review
J Haas, F Cebulla, K Cao, W Nowak, R Palma-Behnke, C Rahmann, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80, 603-619, 2017
Raising awareness in model-based energy scenario studies—a transparency checklist
KK Cao, F Cebulla, JJ Gómez Vilchez, B Mousavi, S Prehofer
Energy, Sustainability and Society 6, 1-20, 2016
Energieverbrauch und CO2-Emissionen industrieller Prozesstechnologien: Einsparpotenziale, Hemmnisse und Instrumente
B Schlomann, W Eichhammer
Fraunhofer-Verlag, 2013
A multi-service approach for planning the optimal mix of energy storage technologies in a fully-renewable power supply
J Haas, F Cebulla, W Nowak, C Rahmann, R Palma-Behnke
Energy Conversion and Management 178, 355-368, 2018
Merit order or unit-commitment: How does thermal power plant modeling affect storage demand in energy system models?
F Cebulla, T Fichter
Renewable energy 105, 117-132, 2017
Classification and evaluation of concepts for improving the performance of applied energy system optimization models
KK Cao, K Von Krbek, M Wetzel, F Cebulla, S Schreck
Energies 12 (24), 4656, 2019
Future fuels—Analyses of the future prospects of renewable synthetic fuels
T Pregger, G Schiller, F Cebulla, RU Dietrich, S Maier, A Thess, A Lischke, ...
Energies 13 (1), 138, 2019
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Lastausgleichs durch Energiespeicher, verschiebbare Lasten und stromgeführte KWK bei hohem Anteil fluktuierender erneuerbarer Stromerzeugung
Y Scholz, HC Gils, T Pregger, D Heide, F Cebulla, KK Cao, D Hess, ...
DLR-Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, 2014
Speeding up energy system models-a best practice guide
Y Scholz, B Fuchs, F Borggrefe, KK Cao, M Wetzel, K von Krbek, ...
Möglichkeiten, Potenziale, Hemmnisse und Instrumente zur Senkung des Energieverbrauchs und der CO2-Emissionen von industriellen Branchentechnologien durch Prozessoptimierung …
B Schlomann, T Fleiter, S Hirzel, M Arens, C Rohde, W Eichhammer, ...
Schlussbericht.(Unveröffentlicht), 2011
Raising awareness in model-based energy scenario studies—a transparency checklist. Energy, Sustain Soc 6 (1): 28
KK Cao, F Cebulla, JJ Gómez Vilchez, B Mousavi, S Prehofer
Storage demand in highly renewable energy scenarios for Europe: The influence of methodology and data assumptions in model-based assessments
F Cebulla
Optimizing large-scale linear energy system problems with block diagonal structure by using parallel interior-point methods
T Breuer, M Bussieck, KK Cao, F Cebulla, F Fiand, HC Gils, A Gleixner, ...
Operations Research Proceedings 2017: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2018
Carbon emissions and costs associated with subsidizing New York nuclear instead of replacing it with renewables
F Cebulla, MZ Jacobson
Journal of cleaner production 205, 884-894, 2018
Stromspeicherbedarf in europäischen Langfristszenarien-Eine Analyse des Einflusses unterschiedlicher energiewirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen
F Cebulla
VDI Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft 2266, 3-14, 2015
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Lastausgleichs durch Energiespeicher, verschiebbare Lasten und stromgeführte Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) bei hohem Anteil fluktuierender …
Y Scholz, HC Gils, T Pregger, D Heide, F Cebulla, KK Cao, D Hess, ...
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR) Abschlussbericht für das …, 2014
Where are the promising energy-efficient technologies
T Fleiter, B Schlomann, M Arens, S Hirzel, C Rohde, W Eichhammer, ...
A comprehensive analysis of the German energy-intensive industries. eceee …, 2011
Methods to improve computing times in linear energy system optimization models
HC Gils, KK Cao, M Wetzel, F Cebulla, K von Krbek, B Fuchs, F Borggrefe
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