Pavel Vítámvás
Pavel Vítámvás
Crop Research Institute
Підтверджена електронна адреса в vurv.cz - Домашня сторінка
Plant proteome changes under abiotic stress—contribution of proteomics studies to understanding plant stress response
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, IT Prášil, J Renaut
Journal of proteomics 74 (8), 1301-1322, 2011
Plant abiotic stress proteomics: the major factors determining alterations in cellular proteome
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, MO Urban, IT Prášil, J Renaut
Frontiers in plant science 9, 122, 2018
Complex phytohormone responses during the cold acclimation of two wheat cultivars differing in cold tolerance, winter Samanta and spring Sandra
K Kosová, IT Prášil, P Vítámvás, P Dobrev, V Motyka, K Floková, O Novák, ...
Journal of plant physiology 169 (6), 567-576, 2012
Protein contribution to plant salinity response and tolerance acquisition
K Kosová, IT Prášil, P Vítámvás
International journal of molecular sciences 14 (4), 6757-6789, 2013
The role of dehydrins in plant response to cold
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, IT Prášil
Biologia plantarum 51, 601-617, 2007
Wheat and barley dehydrins under cold, drought, and salinity–what can LEA-II proteins tell us about plant stress response?
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, IT Prášil
Frontiers in Plant Science 5, 343, 2014
Biological networks underlying abiotic stress tolerance in temperate crops—a proteomic perspective
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, MO Urban, M Klíma, A Roy, IT Prášil
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (9), 20913-20942, 2015
Proteome Analysis of Cold Response in Spring and Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Crowns Reveals Similarities in Stress Adaptation and Differences in …
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, S Planchon, J Renaut, R Vanková, IT Prášil
Journal of Proteome Research 12 (11), 4830-4845, 2013
Quantitative expression analysis of selected COR genes reveals their differential expression in leaf and crown tissues of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) during an …
S Ganeshan, P Vitamvas, DB Fowler, RN Chibbar
Journal of Experimental Botany 59 (9), 2393-2402, 2008
Proteomics of stress responses in wheat and barley—search for potential protein markers of stress tolerance
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, IT Prášil
Frontiers in plant science 5, 711, 2014
Role of dehydrins in plant stress response
K Kosová, IT Prášil, P Vítámvás
Handbook of plant and crop stress, fourth edition, 175-196, 2019
Analysis of proteome and frost tolerance in chromosome 5A and 5B reciprocal substitution lines between two winter wheats during long‐term cold acclimation
P Vítámvás, IT Prášil, K Kosová, S Planchon, J Renaut
Proteomics 12 (1), 68-85, 2012
Plant proteome responses to salinity stress–comparison of glycophytes and halophytes
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, MO Urban, IT Prášil
Functional Plant Biology 40 (9), 775-786, 2013
Quantitative analysis of proteome extracted from barley crowns grown under different drought conditions
P Vítámvás, MO Urban, Z Škodáček, K Kosová, I Pitelková, J Vítámvás, ...
Frontiers in plant science 6, 479, 2015
WCS120 protein family and proteins soluble upon boiling in cold-acclimated winter wheat
P Vítámvás, G Saalbach, IIT Prášil, V Čapková, J Opatrná, J Ahmed
Journal of plant physiology 164 (9), 1197-1207, 2007
The relationship between vernalization-and photoperiodically-regulated genes and the development of frost tolerance in wheat and barley
K Kosová, IT Prášil, P Vítámvás
Biologia plantarum 52, 601-615, 2008
Breeding for enhanced drought resistance in barley and wheat–drought-associated traits, genetic resources and their potential utilization in breeding programmes
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, MO Urban, J Kholová, IT Prášil
Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed 50 (4), 247-261, 2014
Proteomic Response of Hordeum vulgare cv. Tadmor and Hordeum marinum to Salinity Stress: Similarities and Differences between a Glycophyte and a Halophyte
L Maršálová, P Vítámvás, R Hynek, IT Prášil, K Kosová
Frontiers in plant science 7, 1154, 2016
Expression of dehydrin 5 during the development of frost tolerance in barley (Hordeum vulgare)
K Kosová, L Holková, IT Prášil, P Prášilová, M Bradáčová, P Vítámvás, ...
Journal of plant physiology 165 (11), 1142-1151, 2008
Expression of dehydrins in wheat and barley under different temperatures
K Kosová, P Vítámvás, IT Prášil
Plant Science 180 (1), 46-52, 2011
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