Shelby C. McClelland
Shelby C. McClelland
Postdoctoral Associate, New York University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nyu.edu - Домашня сторінка
Prediction of enteric methane production, yield, and intensity in dairy cattle using an intercontinental database
M Niu, E Kebreab, AN Hristov, J Oh, C Arndt, A Bannink, AR Bayat, ...
Global change biology 24 (8), 3368-3389, 2018
Full adoption of the most effective strategies to mitigate methane emissions by ruminants can help meet the 1.5 C target by 2030 but not 2050
C Arndt, AN Hristov, WJ Price, SC McClelland, AM Pelaez, SF Cueva, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (20), e2111294119, 2022
The blurred boundaries of ecological, sustainable, and agroecological intensification: a review
A Wezel, G Soboksa, S McClelland, F Delespesse, A Boissau
Agronomy for sustainable development 35, 1283-1295, 2015
Management of cover crops in temperate climates influences soil organic carbon stocks: a meta‐analysis
SC McClelland, K Paustian, ME Schipanski
Ecological Applications 31 (3), e02278, 2021
Type and number of environmental impact categories used in livestock life cycle assessment: A systematic review
SC McClelland, C Arndt, DR Gordon, G Thoma
Livestock Science 209, 39-45, 2018
Getting to the root of restoration: Considering root traits for improved restoration outcomes under drought and competition
M Garbowski, B Avera, JH Bertram, JS Courkamp, J Gray, KM Hein, ...
Restoration Ecology 28 (6), 1384-1395, 2020
Quantification of methane emitted by ruminants: a review of methods
LO Tedeschi, AL Abdalla, C Alvarez, SW Anuga, J Arango, ...
Journal of Animal Science 100 (7), skac197, 2022
Strategies to mitigate enteric methane emissions by ruminants-A way to approach the 2.0 C target
C Arndt, AN Hristov, WJ Price, SC McClelland, AM Pelaez, SF Cueva, ...
Modeling cover crop biomass production and related emissions to improve farm-scale decision-support tools
SC McClelland, K Paustian, S Williams, ME Schipanski
Agricultural Systems 191, 103151, 2021
Reviews and syntheses: The promise of big diverse soil data, moving current practices towards future potential
KEO Todd-Brown, RZ Abramoff, J Beem-Miller, HK Blair, S Earl, ...
Biogeosciences 19 (14), 3505-3522, 2022
Type and number of environmental impact categories used in livestock life cycle assessment: a systematic review. Livest. Sci. 209, 39–45
SC McClelland, C Arndt, DR Gordon, G Thoma
doi. org/10.1016/j. livsc i 8, 2018
Infrequent compost applications increased plant productivity and soil organic carbon in irrigated pasture but not degraded rangeland
SC McClelland, MF Cotrufo, ML Haddix, K Paustian, ME Schipanski
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 333, 107969, 2022
The blurred boundaries of ecological, sustainable, and agroecological intensification: a review. Agron Sustain Dev 35: 1283–1295
A Wezel, G Soboksa, S McClelland, F Delespesse, A Boissau
A framework to estimate climate mitigation potential for US cropland using publicly available data
JM Moore, DK Manter, M Bowman, M Hunter, E Bruner, SC McClelland
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 78 (2), 193-206, 2023
Modelling the soil C impacts of cover crops in temperate regions
HM Hughes, SC McClelland, ME Schipanski, J Hillier
Agricultural Systems 209, 103663, 2023
Use of decision‐support tools by students to link crop management practices with greenhouse gas emissions: A case study
R Jabbour, SC McClelland, ME Schipanski
Natural Sciences Education 50 (2), e20063, 2021
The blurred boundaries of ecological, sustainable, and agroecological intensification. A review. Agron Sustain Dev 35 (4): 1283–1295
A Wezel, G Soboksa, S McClelland, F Delespesse, A Boissau
Soil carbon offset markets are not a just climate solution
M Saifuddin, RZ Abramoff, EJ Foster, SC McClelland
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 22 (7), e2781, 2024
Quantifying biodiversity impacts of livestock using life‐cycle perspectives
SC McClelland, JD Haddix, S Azad, EH Boughton, RK Boughton, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 21 (6), 275-281, 2023
Climate mitigation potential of cover crops in the United States is regionally concentrated and lower than previous estimates
L Eash, S Ogle, SC McClelland, SJ Fonte, ME Schipanski
Global Change Biology 30 (6), e17372, 2024
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