Helen Fawkner
Helen Fawkner
Leeds Beckett
Підтверджена електронна адреса в leedsbeckett.ac.uk
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for phantom pain and stump pain in adult amputees
MR Mulvey, HE Radford, HJ Fawkner, L Hirst, V Neumann, MI Johnson
Pain Practice 13 (4), 289-296, 2013
“Appearance potent”? A content analysis of UK gay and straight men's magazines
GS Jankowski, H Fawkner, A Slater, M Tiggemann
Body image 11 (4), 474-481, 2014
Athletic injury and minor life events: a prospective study
HJ Fawkner, NE McMurrary, JJ Summers
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 2 (2), 117-124, 1999
A pilot controlled trial of a cognitive dissonance-based body dissatisfaction intervention with young British men
GS Jankowski, PC Diedrichs, MJ Atkinson, H Fawkner, B Gough, ...
Body image 23, 93-102, 2017
Perceptual embodiment of prosthetic limbs by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
MR Mulvey, HJ Fawkner, HE Radford, MI Johnson
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 15 (1), 42-47, 2012
The use of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to aid perceptual embodiment of prosthetic limbs
MR Mulvey, HJ Fawkner, H Radford, MI Johnson
Medical hypotheses 72 (2), 140-142, 2009
Body image in men: Self-reported thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to media images
HJ Fawkner, NE McMurray
International Journal of Mens Health 1, 137-162, 2002
Normative perceptions of cannabis use among European university students: associations of perceived peer use and peer attitudes with personal use and attitudes
RC Dempsey, J McAlaney, SM Helmer, CR Pischke, Y Akvardar, ...
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 77 (5), 740-748, 2016
Young men’s minimisation of their body dissatisfaction
GS Jankowski, B Gough, H Fawkner, E Halliwell, PC Diedrichs
Psychology & health 33 (11), 1343-1363, 2018
Body image development-adult men
HJ Fawkner
Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance 1, 194-200, 2012
Is there a case for differential treatment of young men and women?
A White, HJ Fawkner, M Holmes
Medical Journal of Australia 185 (8), 454-455, 2006
Predisposition to injury in athletes: The role of psychosocial factors
HJ Fawkner
University of Melbourne, 1993
Young men’s body dissatisfaction: A qualitative analysis of anonymous online accounts
C Whitaker, B Gough, H Fawkner, N Deighton-Smith
Journal of health psychology 26 (5), 636-649, 2021
Body image attitudes in men: An examination of the antecedents and consequent adjustive strategies and behaviors
HJ Fawkner
University of Melbourne, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine …, 2004
An investigation of the effects of different pulse patterns of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on perceptual embodiment of a rubber hand in healthy human …
MR Mulvey, HJ Fawkner, MI Johnson
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface 18 (8), 744-750, 2015
An investigation into the perceptual embodiment of an artificial hand using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in intact-limbed individuals
M Mulvey, H Fawkner, MI Johnson
Technology and Health Care 22 (2), 157-166, 2014
Men’s experience of cosmetic surgery: A phenomenological approach to discussion board data
P Singleton, H Fawkner, A White, S Foster
Qualitative Methods in Psychology Newsletter 8, 17-23, 2009
The skin game: Extra points for looking good
MB Andersen, H Fawkner
Human Kinetics, 2005
The appearance potency of gay and straight men’s websites
G Jankowski, A Slater, M Tiggemann, H Fawkner
Psychology of Sexualities Review 7 (2), 2016
Negotiating feminised discourses: a discursive analysis of how men construct body image and appearance-related matters.
C Whitaker, B Gough, H Fawkner, N Deighton-Smith
Creating Bridges1st Conference of the Associationof European Qualitative …, 2021
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