Tim Wheeler
Tim Wheeler
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Climate change impacts on global food security
T Wheeler, J Von Braun
Science 341 (6145), 508-513, 2013
Climate change impacts on crop productivity in Africa and South Asia
J Knox, T Hess, A Daccache, T Wheeler
Environmental research letters 7 (3), 034032, 2012
High temperature stress and spikelet fertility in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
SVK Jagadish, PQ Craufurd, TR Wheeler
Journal of experimental botany 58 (7), 1627-1635, 2007
Temperature variability and the yield of annual crops
TR Wheeler, PQ Craufurd, RH Ellis, JR Porter, PVV Prasad
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 82 (1-3), 159-167, 2000
Assessing the vulnerability of food crop systems in Africa to climate change
A Challinor, T Wheeler, C Garforth, P Craufurd, A Kassam
Climatic change 83, 381-399, 2007
Brief history of agricultural systems modeling
JW Jones, JM Antle, B Basso, KJ Boote, RT Conant, I Foster, HCJ Godfray, ...
Agricultural systems 155, 240-254, 2017
Climate change and the flowering time of annual crops
PQ Craufurd, TR Wheeler
Journal of Experimental botany 60 (9), 2529-2539, 2009
Physiological and proteomic approaches to address heat tolerance during anthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
SVK Jagadish, R Muthurajan, R Oane, TR Wheeler, S Heuer, J Bennett, ...
Journal of experimental botany 61 (1), 143-156, 2010
Effect of high temperature stress at anthesis on grain yield and biomass of field-grown crops of wheat
R FERRIS, RH Ellis, TR Wheeler, P Hadley
Annals of Botany 82 (5), 631-639, 1998
Assessing the costs of adaptation to climate change: a review of the UNFCCC and other recent estimates
ML Parry
Iied, 2009
Toward a new generation of agricultural system data, models, and knowledge products: State of agricultural systems science
JW Jones, JM Antle, B Basso, KJ Boote, RT Conant, I Foster, HCJ Godfray, ...
Agricultural systems 155, 269-288, 2017
Design and optimisation of a large-area process-based model for annual crops
AJ Challinor, TR Wheeler, PQ Craufurd, JM Slingo, DIF Grimes
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 124 (1), 99-120, 2004
The duration and rate of grain growth, and harvest index, of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in response to temperature and CO2
TR Wheeler, TD Hong, RH Ellis, GR Batts, JIL Morison, P Hadley
Journal of experimental botany 47 (5), 623-630, 1996
Translating climate forecasts into agricultural terms: advances and challenges
JW Hansen, A Challinor, A Ines, T Wheeler, V Moron
Climate research 33 (1), 27-41, 2006
Introduction: food crops in a changing climate
JM Slingo, AJ Challinor, BJ Hoskins, TR Wheeler
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 360 …, 2005
Phenotyping parents of mapping populations of rice for heat tolerance during anthesis
SVK Jagadish, PQ Craufurd, TR Wheeler
Crop Science 48 (3), 1140-1146, 2008
Growth and yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) crops in response to CO2 and temperature
TR Wheeler, GR Batts, RH Ellis, P Hadley, JIL Morison
The Journal of Agricultural Science 127 (1), 37-48, 1996
Simulation of the impact of high temperature stress on annual crop yields
AJ Challinor, TR Wheeler, PQ Craufurd, JM Slingo
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 135 (1-4), 180-189, 2005
Response of in vitro pollen germination and pollen tube growth of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes to temperature
VG Kakani, PVV Prasad, PQ Craufurd, TR Wheeler
Plant, Cell & Environment 25 (12), 1651-1661, 2002
Crop yield reduction in the tropics under climate change: processes and uncertainties
AJ Challinor, TR Wheeler
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148 (3), 343-356, 2008
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