Claude Moulin
Claude Moulin
Невідома організація
Підтверджена електронна адреса в utc.fr
Discovering Semantic Web services using SPARQL and intelligent agents
ML Sbodio, D Martin, C Moulin
Journal of Web Semantics 8 (4), 310-328, 2010
Ontology-based Organizational Memory for e-learning
MH Abel, A Benayache, D Lenne, C Moulin, C Barry, B Chaput
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 7 (4), 98-111, 2004
Towards a Semantic Interoperability in an e‑Government Application
F Bettahar, C Moulin, JP Barthès
Electronic Journal of E-government 7 (3), pp209‑226-pp209‑226, 2009
The TATIN-PIC project: A multi-modal collaborative work environment for preliminary design
A Jones, A Kendira, D Lenne, T Gidel, C Moulin
Proceedings of the 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported …, 2011
SPARQL as an expression language for OWL-S
ML Sbodio, C Moulin
Titolo volume non avvalorato, 2007
Mobile Lessons: Lessons based on geo-referenced information
R Sanna, A Pintus, S Giroux, C Moulin
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2002
Note-taking as a main feature in a social networking platform for small and medium sized enterprises
A Atrash, MH Abel, C Moulin, N Darène, F Huet, S Bruaux
Computers in Human Behavior 51, 705-714, 2015
E-MEMORAe: a content-oriented environment for e-learning
MH Abel, A Benayache, D Lenne, C Moulin
E-learning networked environments and Architectures: A Knowledge processing …, 2007
Gestion des ressources pédagogiques d'une e-formation
MH Abel, D Lenne, C Moulin, A Benayache
Document numérique 7 (1), 111-128, 2003
Agent-based system architecture supporting remote collaboration via an internet of multimedia things approach
Y Kaeri, C Moulin, K Sugawara, Y Manabe
IEEE Access 6, 17067-17079, 2018
Learning object indexing tool based on a LOM ontology
O Ghebghoub, MH Abel, C Moulin
2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2008
Agent-based management of support systems for distributed brainstorming
Y Kaeri, K Sugawara, C Moulin, T Gidel
Advanced Engineering Informatics 44, 101050, 2020
Supporting organizational learning with collaborative annotation
A Atrash, MH Abel, C Moulin
International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing …, 2014
Using two ontologies to index e-learning resources
A Abel, D Lenne, C Moulin, A Benayache
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04), 549-552, 2004
e-MATE: An open architecture to support mobility of users
D Carboni, E Vargiu, C Moulin, S Sanna, A Soro, G Paddeu, S Giroux
Databases and Information Systems II: Fifth International Baltic Conference …, 2002
Notes and annotations as information resources in a social networking platform
A Atrash, MH Abel, C Moulin
Computers in Human Behavior 51, 1261-1267, 2015
Ontologies supporting egovernment services
F Bettahar, C Moulin, JPA Barthès
2005 portuguese conference on artificial intelligence, 100-105, 2005
Capitalization of remote collaborative brainstorming activities
C Moulin, Y Kaeri, K Sugawara, MH Abel
Computer Standards & Interfaces 48, 217-224, 2016
Using an Organizational Memory for e-learning
MH Abel, C Barry, A Benayache, B Chaput, D Lenne, C Moulin
Proceedings of Workshop of Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories …, 2004
Design and use of CALM: An ubiquitous environment for mobile learning during museum visit
PY Gicquel, D Lenne, C Moulin
2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage) 2, 645-652, 2013
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