Mauro Salazar
Mauro Salazar
Assistant Professor
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tue.nl - Домашня сторінка
On the interaction between autonomous mobility-on-demand and public transportation systems
M Salazar, F Rossi, M Schiffer, CH Onder, M Pavone
2018 21st international conference on intelligent transportation systems …, 2018
Time-optimal control strategies for a hybrid electric race car
S Ebbesen, M Salazar, P Elbert, C Bussi, CH Onder
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 26 (1), 233-247, 2017
Model predictive control of ride-sharing autonomous mobility-on-demand systems
M Tsao, D Milojevic, C Ruch, M Salazar, E Frazzoli, M Pavone
2019 International conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), 6665-6671, 2019
Intermodal autonomous mobility-on-demand
M Salazar, N Lanzetti, F Rossi, M Schiffer, M Pavone
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 21 (9), 3946-3960, 2019
A congestion-aware routing scheme for autonomous mobility-on-demand systems
M Salazar, M Tsao, I Aguiar, M Schiffer, M Pavone
2019 18th european control conference (ecc), 3040-3046, 2019
A convex optimization framework for minimum lap time design and control of electric race cars
O Borsboom, CA Fahdzyana, T Hofman, M Salazar
IEEE Transactions Vehicular Technology, 2020
Real-time control algorithms for a hybrid electric race car using a two-level model predictive control scheme
M Salazar, C Balerna, P Elbert, FP Grando, CH Onder
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (12), 10911-10922, 2017
Time-optimal Control Policy for a Hybrid Electric Race Car
M Salazar, P Elbert, S Ebbesen, C Bussi, CH Onder
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 25 (6), 1921 - 1934, 2017
Routing and rebalancing intermodal autonomous mobility-on-demand systems in mixed traffic
S Wollenstein-Betech, M Salazar, A Houshmand, M Pavone, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (8), 12263-12275, 2021
Time-optimal gearshift and energy management strategies for a hybrid electric race car
P Duhr, G Christodoulou, C Balerna, M Salazar, A Cerofolini, CH Onder
Applied Energy 282, 115980, 2021
Joint design and control of electric vehicle propulsion systems
F Verbruggen, M Salazar, M Pavone, T Hofman
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 1725-1731, 2020
A vehicle coordination and charge scheduling algorithm for electric autonomous mobility-on-demand systems
F Boewing, M Schiffer, M Salazar, M Pavone
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 248-255, 2020
Congestion-aware routing and rebalancing of autonomous mobility-on-demand systems in mixed traffic
S Wollenstein-Betech, A Houshmand, M Salazar, M Pavone, ...
2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2020
Fuel-optimal power split and gear selection strategies for a hybrid electric vehicle
J Ritzmann, A Christon, M Salazar, C Onder
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
Minimum-fuel engine on/off control for the energy management of a hybrid electric vehicle via iterative linear programming
N Robuschi, M Salazar, P Duhr, F Braghin, CH Onder
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (5), 134-140, 2019
Minimum-fuel energy management of a hybrid electric vehicle via iterative linear programming
N Robuschi, M Salazar, N Viscera, F Braghin, CH Onder
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 14575-14587, 2020
Joint optimization of autonomous electric vehicle fleet operations and charging station siting
J Luke, M Salazar, R Rajagopal, M Pavone
2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC …, 2021
Minimum lap time control of hybrid electric race cars in qualifying scenarios
M Salazar, P Duhr, C Balerna, L Arzilli, CH Onder
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (8), 7296-7308, 2019
Equivalent lap time minimization strategies for a hybrid electric race car
M Salazar, C Balerna, E Chisari, C Bussi, CH Onder
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6125-6131, 2018
Time-optimal control of electric race cars under thermal constraints
A Locatello, M Konda, OJT Borsboom, T Hofman, M Salazar
European Control Conference, 2021
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