Wahyu Widarjo
Wahyu Widarjo
Підтверджена електронна адреса в staff.uns.ac.id
Pengaruh rasio keuangan terhadap kondisi financial distress perusahaan otomotif
W Widarjo, D Setiawan
Jurnal bisnis dan akuntansi 11 (2), 107-119, 2009
Pengaruh modal intelektual dan pengungkapan modal intelektual pada nilai perusahaan yang melakukan Initial Public Offering
W Widarjo
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia 8 (2), 4, 2011
Pengaruh ownership retention, investasi dari proceeds dan reputasi auditor terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan kepemilikan manajerial dan institusional sebagai variabel pemoderasi
W Widarjo
UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2010
Political connection and tax aggressiveness: A study on the state-owned enterprises registered in Indonesia stock exchange
P Iswari, EA Sudaryono, W Widarjo
Journal of International Studies 12 (1), 2019
Public sector budget based on systemic agenda: What factors leading the budget change policy in the crisis time in Indonesia
WS Rachmadani, D Suhardjanto, AK Almasyhari, W Widarjo, KR Setiorini
Migration Letters 20, 287-304, 2023
The antecedents of cloud computing adoption and its consequences for MSMEs’ performance: A model based on the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework
F Aligarh, B Sutopo, W Widarjo
Cogent Business & Management 10 (2), 2220190, 2023
Households carbon emissions in aceh, indonesia: Regulator perspective
WV Siregar, A Hasibuan, D Setiawan, W Widarjo
Calitatea 22 (184), 111-114, 2021
Political connection, institutional ownership and tax aggressiveness in Indonesia
Y Anggraini, W Widarjo
European Journal of Business and Management Research 5 (5), 2020
Underwriter reputation, intellectual capital disclosure, and underpricing
W Widarjo, R Rahmawati, B Bandi, AK Widagd
international Journal of Business and society 18 (2), 2017
Is quantifying performance excellence really profitable? An empirical study of the deployment of the Baldrige Excellence Measurement Model in Indonesia
MR Rochmatullah, R Rahmawati, AN Probohudono, W Widarjo
Asia Pacific Management Review 28 (3), 287-298, 2023
Underpricing and intellectual capital disclosure: Evidence from Indonesia
W Widarjo, Rahmawati, Bandi, AK Widagdo
Global Business Review 21 (6), 1325-1337, 2020
Determinants of intellectual capital disclosure in the IPOs and its impact on underpricing: evidence from Indonesia
W Widarjo, Bandi
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 15 (1), 1-19, 2018
The moderating role of corporate governance on the relationship between political connections and tax avoidance
W Widarjo, EA Sudaryono, B Sutopo, M Syafiqurrahman, J Juliati
Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi 13 (1), 62-71, 2021
The effect of financial ratios on financial distress conditions in automotive companies
W Widarjo, D Setiawan
Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntans 11 (2), 107-119, 2009
Political Connections and Tax Aggressiveness: the Role of Gender Diversity As a Moderating Variable
ADR Satiti, M Syafik, W Widarjo
Media Riset Akuntansi, Auditing & Informasi 21 (2), 273-292, 2021
Peran Komisaris Independen dan Komite Audit dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Wholesale dan Retail Trade di Indonesia
MW Rahmatika, W Widarjo, P Payamta
Jurnal Akuntansi Dan Bisnis 19 (1), 54, 2019
Perbandingan model pola pengelolaan keuangan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
H Rudhianto, T Utami, W Widarjo
Monex: Journal of Accounting Research 11 (01), 104-118, 2022
The Effect of Intellectual Capital Performance on Company's Financial Performance
B Pramathana, W Widarjo
Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi Dan Keuangan 10 (3), 497-508, 2020
Hubungan Antara Strategi, Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen dan Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja: Sebuah Studi Literatur
W Widarjo
Riset Manajemen dan Akuntansi 9 (1), 2018
Bandi., S. Hartoko.(2010). Pengaruh Ownership Retention, Investasi Dari Proceeds, dan Reputasi Auditor Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Kepemilikan Manajerial dan Institusional …
W Widarjo
Kumpulan Makalah Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XIII, 10-48, 2007
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