Michel Schanen
Michel Schanen
Підтверджена електронна адреса в anl.gov - Домашня сторінка
On the strong scaling of the spectral element solver Nek5000 on petascale systems
N Offermans, O Marin, M Schanen, J Gong, P Fischer, P Schlatter, ...
Proceedings of the Exascale Applications and Software Conference 2016, 1-10, 2016
Reverse-mode automatic differentiation and optimization of GPU kernels via enzyme
WS Moses, V Churavy, L Paehler, J Hückelheim, SHK Narayanan, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2021
MPI-Parallel Discrete Adjoint OpenFOAM
M Towara, M Schanen, U Naumann
Procedia Computer Science 51, 19-28, 2015
Interpretative adjoints for numerical simulation codes using MPI
M Schanen, U Naumann, L Hascoët, J Utke
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 1825-1833, 2010
Asynchronous Two-level Checkpointing Scheme for Large-scale Adjoints in the Spectral-element Solver Nek5000
M Schanen, O Marin, H Zhang, M Anitescu
Procedia Computer Science 80, 1147-1158, 2016
Scalable automatic differentiation of multiple parallel paradigms through compiler augmentation
WS Moses, SHK Narayanan, L Paehler, V Churavy, M Schanen, ...
SC22: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2022
Fitting Matérn smoothness parameters using automatic differentiation
CJ Geoga, O Marin, M Schanen, ML Stein
Statistics and Computing 33 (2), 48, 2023
Toward multiperiod AC-based contingency constrained optimal power flow at large scale
M Schanen, F Gilbert, CG Petra, M Anitescu
2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-7, 2018
Uncertainty Propagation in Power System Dynamics with the Method of Moments
DA Maldonado, M Schanen, M Anitescu
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Accelerating condensed interior-point methods on SIMD/GPU architectures
F Pacaud, S Shin, M Schanen, DA Maldonado, M Anitescu
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 202 (1), 184-203, 2024
Large-scale lossy data compression based on an a priori error estimator in a spectral element code
O Marin, M Schanen, PF Fischer
ANL/MCS-P6024-0616, 2016
Semantics driven adjoints of the message passing interface.
M Schanen
RWTH Aachen, Germany, 2016
Discrete Adjoints of PETSc through dco/c++ and Adjoint MPI
J Lotz, U Naumann, M Sagebaum, M Schanen
Euro-Par 2013 Parallel Processing: 19th International Conference, Aachen …, 2013
A wish list for efficient adjoints of one-sided MPI communication
M Schanen, U Naumann
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface: 19th European MPI Users …, 2012
A feasible reduced space method for real-time optimal power flow
F Pacaud, DA Maldonado, S Shin, M Schanen, M Anitescu
Electric Power Systems Research 212, 108268, 2022
Vector forward mode automatic differentiation on SIMD/SIMT architectures
J Hückelheim, M Schanen, SHK Narayanan, P Hovland
Proceedings of the 49th International Conference on Parallel Processing, 1-11, 2020
A Multiperiod Optimization-Based Metric of Grid Resilience
V Rao, K Kim, M Schanen, DA Maldonado, C Petra, M Anitescu
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Adjoining hybrid parallel code
M Schanen, M Förster, J Lotz, K Leppkes, U Naumann
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering …, 2012
Second-order algorithmic differentiation by source transformation of MPI code
M Schanen, M Förster, U Naumann
Recent Advances in the Message Passing Interface: 17th European MPI Users …, 2010
Parallel interior-point solver for block-structured nonlinear programs on SIMD/GPU architectures
F Pacaud, M Schanen, S Shin, DA Maldonado, M Anitescu
Optimization Methods and Software, 1-24, 2024
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