Giuseppe Tricomi
Smart cities of the future as cyber physical systems: Challenges and enabling technologies
A Puliafito, G Tricomi, A Zafeiropoulos, S Papavassiliou
Sensors 21 (10), 3349, 2021
Deployment orchestration of microservices with geographical constraints for edge computing
M Villari, A Celesti, G Tricomi, A Galletta, M Fazio
2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 633-638, 2017
Orchestrated multi-cloud application deployment in OpenStack with TOSCA
G Tricomi, A Panarello, G Merlino, F Longo, D Bruneo, A Puliafito
2017 IEEE international conference on smart computing (SMARTCOMP), 1-6, 2017
A deep learning-driven self-conscious distributed cyber-physical system for renewable energy communities
G Cicceri, G Tricomi, L D’Agati, F Longo, G Merlino, A Puliafito
Sensors 23 (9), 4549, 2023
Optimal selection techniques for Cloud service providers
G Tricomi, G Merlino, A Panarello, A Puliafito
IEEE Access 8, 203591-203618, 2020
Software-defined city infrastructure: A control plane for rewireable smart cities
G Tricomi, G Merlino, F Longo, D Salvatore, A Puliafito
2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 180-185, 2019
A NodeRED-based dashboard to deploy pipelines on top of IoT infrastructure
G Tricomi, Z Benomar, F Aragona, G Merlino, F Longo, A Puliafito
2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 122-129, 2020
Hierarchical load balancing as a service for federated cloud networks
A Levin, D Lorenz, G Merlino, A Panarello, A Puliafito, G Tricomi
Computer communications 129, 125-137, 2018
Faas for iot: Evolving serverless towards deviceless in i/oclouds
G Merlino, G Tricomi, L D’agati, Z Benomar, F Longo, A Puliafito
Future Generation Computer Systems 154, 189-205, 2024
A resilient fire protection system for software-defined factories
G Tricomi, C Scaffidi, G Merlino, F Longo, A Puliafito, S Distefano
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (4), 3151-3164, 2021
An urban intelligence architecture for heterogeneous data and application integration, deployment and orchestration
S Silvestri, G Tricomi, SR Bassolillo, R De Benedictis, M Ciampi
Sensors 24 (7), 2376, 2024
Smart healthy intelligent room: Headcount through air quality monitoring
G Cicceri, C Scaffidi, Z Benomar, S Distefano, A Puliafito, G Tricomi, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 320-325, 2020
Orchestration for the deployment of distributed applications with geographical constraints in cloud federation
M Villari, G Tricomi, A Celesti, M Fazio
Cloud Infrastructures, Services, and IoT Systems for Smart Cities: Second …, 2018
Dilocc: An approach for distributed incremental learning across the computing continuum
G Cicceri, G Tricomi, Z Benomar, F Longo, A Puliafito, G Merlino
2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 113-120, 2021
From vertical to horizontal buildings through iot and software defined approaches
G Tricomi, C Scaffidi, G Merlino, F Longo, S Distefano, A Puliafito
2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 365-370, 2021
Scinas: A smart city-driven navigation system to catch green waves
C Scaffidi, G Tricomi, S Di Stefano
SAE Technical Paper, 2020
Continuous green2 waves for surfin smart cities
C Scaffidi, G Tricomi, S Distefano, A Puliafito
2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 404-409, 2020
IoT/cloud-powered crowdsourced mobility services for green smart cities
L D'Agati, Z Benomar, F Longo, G Merlino, A Puliafito, G Tricomi
2021 IEEE 20th international symposium on network computing and applications …, 2021
Paving the way for an Urban Intelligence OpenStack-based Architecture
G Tricomi, L D'Agati, F Longo, G Merlino, A Puliafito, S Silvestri
2024 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), 284-289, 2024
Smart city as cooperating smart areas: On the way of symbiotic cyber–physical systems environment
G Tricomi, M Giacobbe, I Ficili, N Peditto, A Puliafito
Sensors 24 (10), 3108, 2024
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