Anna Kornyushchenko
Anna Kornyushchenko
Підтверджена електронна адреса в med.sumdu.edu.ua
Nanostructured ZnO films for potential use in LPG gas sensors
VM Latyshev, TO Berestok, AS Opanasyuk, AS Kornyushchenko, ...
Solid State Sciences 67, 109-113, 2017
Two step technology for porous ZnO nanosystem formation for potential use in hydrogen gas sensors
AS Kornyushchenko, AH Jayatissa, VV Natalich, VI Perekrestov
Thin Solid Films 604, 48-54, 2016
Formation of nanosystems under near-equilibrium copper condensation in an ultrapure inert medium
VI Perekrestov, AS Kornyushchenko, YA Kosminskaya
JETP letters 86, 767-771, 2008
Self-organization of copper nanosystems under Volmer–Weber conditions during quasi-equilibrium condensation
VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska, AS Kornyushchenko, VM Latyshev
Physica B: Condensed Matter 411, 140-148, 2013
Structure formation mechanisms of low-dimensional porous titanium systems condensed under quasi-equilibrium steady-state conditions
VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska, AA Mokrenko, IN Kononenko, ...
Vacuum 86 (1), 111-118, 2011
Self-organization of plasma-condensate quasi-equilibrium systems
VI Perekrestov, AI Olemskoĭ, AS Kornyushchenko, YA Kosminskaya
Physics of the Solid State 51, 1060-1067, 2009
Formation of chromium layers under Volmer–Weber conditions at critically small supersaturations
VI Perekrestov, AS Kornyushchenko, VV Natalich
Solid state sciences 33, 12-18, 2014
Formation of copper porous structures under near-equilibrium chemical vapor deposition
AS Kornyushchenko, VV Natalich, VI Perekrestov
Journal of Crystal Growth 442, 68-74, 2016
Regularities of Al layer structure formation near phase equilibrium in plasma-condensate system
VI Perekrestov, AS Kornyushchenko, YA Kosminskaya
Physics of the Solid State 50, 1357-1364, 2008
Impact of selective processes on Al porous structures formation during self-organized quasi-equilibrium steady-state condensation
VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska, AS Kornyushchenko, AA Mokrenko
Journal of Porous Materials 20, 967-974, 2013
Formation, charge transfer, structural and morphological characteristics of ZnO fractal-percolation nanosystems
V Perekrestov, V Latyshev, A Kornyushchenko, Y Kosminska
Journal of Electronic Materials 48, 2788-2793, 2019
Formation of porous zinc nanostructures during self‐organization of critically small steady‐state supersaturations
V Perekrestov, A Kornyushchenko, V Latyshev, S Ostendorp, G Wilde
physica status solidi (b) 252 (2), 397-403, 2015
Self-assembly of porous Cu structures during steady-state condensation of weakly supersaturated vapors
VI Perekrestov, YO Kosminska, AS Kornyushchenko, VM Latyshev
Journal of Porous Materials 21, 1159-1167, 2014
Formation of porous low-dimensional nickel systems during near equilibrium condensation in ultrapure inert environment
V Perekrestov, A Kornyushchenko, Y Kosminska, G Wilde, S Ostendorp, ...
Applied surface science 316, 155-162, 2014
Single crystal aluminum deposit formation on isotropic substrates by means of self-organized ion sputtering
VI Perekrestov, AS Kornyushchenko, YA Kosminskaya
Technical physics letters 32, 868-870, 2006
Structural, Morphological and Sensor Properties of the Fractal-Percolation Nanosystem ZnO/NiO
A Kornyushchenko, Y Kosminska, S Stas, G Wilde, V Perekrestov
Journal of Electronic Materials 50, 2268-2276, 2021
Formation of porous nickel nanosystems using alumina membranes as templates for deposition
V Perekrestov, A Kornyushchenko, V Natalich, S Ostendorp, G Wilde
Materials Letters 153, 171-174, 2015
Formation of porous zinc nanosystems using direct and reverse flows of DC magnetron sputtering
VM Latyshev, VI Perekrestov, HS Korniushchenko, IV Zahaiko
STC Institute for single Crystals, 2017
Yu. A. Kos minskaya
VI Perekrestov, AS Kornyushchenko
Pis’ ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz 32 (20), 1, 2006
Gas nanosensors
A Kornyushchenko, V Perekrestov, G Wilde
Nanosensors for Smart Cities, 267-283, 2020
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