Dalia Dawoud
Dalia Dawoud
Associate Director (Research), NICE
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nice.org.uk
Antibiotic dispensing in Egyptian community pharmacies: an observational study
NA Sabry, SF Farid, DM Dawoud
Research in social and administrative pharmacy 10 (1), 168-184, 2014
A randomised controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of adalimumab in combination with methotrexate for the treatment of juvenile …
AV Ramanan, AD Dick, D Benton, S Compeyrot-Lacassagne, D Dawoud, ...
Trials 15, 1-13, 2014
Drive-thru pharmacy services: A way forward to combat COVID-19 pandemic
R Hussain, DM Dawoud
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 17 (1), 1920-1924, 2021
Common problems, common data model solutions: evidence generation for health technology assessment
S Kent, E Burn, D Dawoud, P Jonsson, JT Østby, N Hughes, P Rijnbeek, ...
Pharmacoeconomics 39 (3), 275-285, 2021
Use of repurposed and adjuvant drugs in hospital patients with covid-19: multinational network cohort study
A Prats-Uribe, AG Sena, LYH Lai, H Alghoul, O Alser, TM Alshammari, ...
bmj 373, 2021
Conducting economic evaluations alongside randomised trials: current methodological issues and novel approaches
D Hughes, J Charles, D Dawoud, RT Edwards, E Holmes, C Jones, ...
Pharmacoeconomics 34, 447-461, 2016
Unlicensed use of metformin in children and adolescents in the UK
Y Hsia, D Dawoud, AG Sutcliffe, RM Viner, S Kinra, ICK Wong
British journal of clinical pharmacology 73 (1), 135-139, 2012
Pharmacist supplementary prescribing: a step toward more independence?
D Dawoud, P Griffiths, J Maben, L Goodyer, R Greene
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 7 (3), 246-256, 2011
Diagnosis and management of type 1 diabetes in adults: summary of updated NICE guidance
SA Amiel, N Pursey, B Higgins, D Dawoud
Bmj 351, 2015
COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune diseases: characteristics and outcomes in a multinational network of cohorts across three countries
EH Tan, AG Sena, A Prats-Uribe, SC You, WUR Ahmed, K Kostka, ...
Rheumatology 60 (SI), SI37-SI50, 2021
Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of pharmacist input at the ward level: a systematic review and meta-analysis
DM Dawoud, M Smyth, J Ashe, T Strong, D Wonderling, J Hill, M Varia, ...
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 15 (10), 1212-1222, 2019
Emerging from the other end: key measures for a successful COVID-19 lockdown exit strategy and the potential contribution of pharmacists
D Dawoud
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 17 (1), 1950-1953, 2021
Effects of interruptions to nurses during medication administration.
J Bennett, D Dawoud, J Maben
Nursing Management-UK 16 (9), 2010
The sandbox approach and its potential for use in health technology assessment: a literature review
E Leckenby, D Dawoud, J Bouvy, P Jónsson
Applied health economics and health policy 19, 857-869, 2021
Hospital admissions for asthma, diabetes and COPD: is there an association with practice nurse staffing? A cross sectional study using routinely collected data
P Griffiths, T Murrells, D Dawoud, S Jones
BMC health services research 10, 1-11, 2010
Cost effectiveness of advanced pharmacy services provided in the community and primary care settings: a systematic review
DM Dawoud, A Haines, D Wonderling, J Ashe, J Hill, M Varia, P Dyer, ...
Pharmacoeconomics 37, 1241-1260, 2019
Factors affecting the motivation of healthcare professionals providing care to Emiratis with type 2 diabetes
L Alhyas, JDJ Nielsen, D Dawoud, A Majeed
JRSM short reports 4 (2), 1-13, 2013
Raising the bar for using surrogate endpoints in drug regulation and health technology assessment
D Dawoud, H Naci, O Ciani, S Bujkiewicz
bmj 374, 2021
Cost-effectiveness of antiviral treatments for pandemics and outbreaks of respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19: a systematic review of published economic evaluations
DM Dawoud, KY Soliman
Value in Health 23 (11), 1409-1422, 2020
Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis strategies for people undergoing elective total knee replacement: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
S Lewis, J Glen, D Dawoud, S Dias, J Cobb, XL Griffin, N Rossiter, ...
The Lancet Haematology 6 (10), e530-e539, 2019
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