Neophytos Lambertides
Neophytos Lambertides
Підтверджена електронна адреса в cut.ac.cy
Earnings behaviour of financially distressed firms: The role of institutional ownership
A Charitou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
Abacus 43 (3), 271-296, 2007
Managerial discretion in distressed firms
A Charitou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
The British Accounting Review 39 (4), 323-346, 2007
Financial distress risk and stock price crashes
CK Andreou, PC Andreou, N Lambertides
Journal of Corporate Finance 67, 101870, 2021
The relative efficiency of shipping companies
PM Panayides, N Lambertides, CS Savva
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 47 (5 …, 2011
Distress risk, growth and earnings quality
A Charitou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
Abacus 47 (2), 158-181, 2011
Alternative bankruptcy prediction models using option-pricing theory
A Charitou, D Dionysiou, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (7), 2329-2341, 2013
The role of growth options in explaining stock returns
L Trigeorgis, N Lambertides
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 49 (3), 749-771, 2014
Motives for corporate cash holdings: the CEO optimism effect
W Huang-Meier, N Lambertides, JM Steeley
Review of quantitative finance and accounting 47, 699-732, 2016
Large dividend increases and leverage
IA Cooper, N Lambertides
Journal of Corporate Finance 48, 17-33, 2018
Tourism stocks in times of crisis: An econometric investigation of unexpected nonmacroeconomic factors
A Zopiatis, CS Savva, N Lambertides, M McAleer
Journal of Travel Research 58 (3), 459-479, 2019
Optimal equity valuation using multiples: The number of comparable firms
I Cooper, N Lambertides
European Financial Management 29 (4), 1025-1053, 2023
Dividend increases and initiations and default risk in equity returns
A Charitou, N Lambertides, G Theodoulou
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 46 (5), 1521-1543, 2011
Ownership structure and operating performance: evidence from the European maritime industry
N Lambertides, C Louca
Maritime Policy & Management 35 (4), 395-409, 2008
Sudden CEO vacancy and the long‐run economic consequences
N Lambertides
Managerial Finance 35 (7), 645-661, 2009
Growth options and related stock market anomalies: Profitability, distress, lotteryness, and volatility
TG Bali, L Del Viva, N Lambertides, L Trigeorgis
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 55 (7), 2150-2180, 2020
Stock price volatility and informational efficiency following the mandatory adoption of IFRS in Europe
N Lambertides, K Mazouz
Journal of Applied Accounting Research 14 (1), 4-17, 2013
Who are the losers of IFRS adoption in Europe? An empirical examination of the cash flow effect of increased disclosure
A Charitou, I Karamanou, N Lambertides
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 30 (2), 150-180, 2015
Liquidity risk premium and asset pricing in US water transportation
PM Panayides, N Lambertides, K Cullinane
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 52, 3-15, 2013
The effects of oil price shocks on the prices of EU emission trading system and European stock returns
SI Krokida, N Lambertides, CS Savva, DA Tsouknidis
The European Journal of Finance 26 (1), 1-13, 2020
A critique of the agency theory viewpoint of stock price crash risk: the opacity and overinvestment channels
PC Andreou, N Lambertides, M Magidou
British Journal of Management 34 (4), 2158-2185, 2023
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