Joseph Paul Ferguson
Joseph Paul Ferguson
Підтверджена електронна адреса в deakin.edu.au
Drawing to reason and learn in science
R Tytler, V Prain, G Aranda, J Ferguson, R Gorur
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 57 (2), 209-231, 2020
School strikers enacting politics for climate justice: Daring to think differently about education
PJ White, JP Ferguson, NOC Smith, HOS Carre
Australian Journal of Environmental Education 38 (1), 26-39, 2022
Unplugged Programming: The future of teaching computational thinking?
G Aranda, JP Ferguson
Pedagogika 68 (3), 2018
The role of aesthetics in learning science in an art-science lesson
S Hannigan, PO Wickman, JP Ferguson, V Prain, R Tytler
International Journal of Science Education 44 (5), 797-814, 2022
The role of aesthetics in the teaching and learning of data modelling
JP Ferguson, R Tytler, P White
International journal of science education 44 (5), 753-774, 2022
Video research: Purposeful selection from rich data sets
J Ferguson, G Aranda, R Tytler, R Gorur
Video-Based Research in Education, 124-139, 2018
Student attitudes, identity, and aspirations toward science
R Tytler, JP Ferguson
Handbook of research on science education, 158-192, 2023
Seeing through the eyes of the teacher? Investigating primary school teachers’ professional noticing through a video-based research methodology
L Xu, W Widjaja, J Ferguson
International Journal of Research & Method in Education 42 (5), 470-484, 2019
Is ‘learning'science enough?–A cultural model of religious students of science in an Australian government school
JP Ferguson, B Kameniar
International Journal of Science Education 36 (15), 2554-2579, 2014
Exploring opportunities to incorporate systems thinking into secondary and tertiary chemistry education through practitioner perspectives
S Delaney, JP Ferguson, M Schultz
International Journal of Science Education 43 (16), 2618-2639, 2021
Student reasoning about the lever principle through multimodal representations: A socio-semiotic approach
L Xu, J Ferguson, R Tytler
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 19, 1167-1186, 2021
Topics amenable to a systems thinking approach: Secondary and tertiary perspectives
M Schultz, J Lai, JP Ferguson, S Delaney
Journal of Chemical Education 98 (10), 3100-3109, 2021
Students are not inferential-misfits: Naturalising logic in the science classroom
JP Ferguson
Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (8), 852-865, 2019
Addressing methodological challenges in research on aesthetic dimensions to classroom science inquiry
V Prain, JP Ferguson, PO Wickman
International Journal of Science Education 44 (5), 735-752, 2022
Using systems maps to visualize chemistry processes: Practitioner and student insights
M Schultz, D Chan, AC Eaton, JP Ferguson, R Houghton, A Ramdzan, ...
Education Sciences 12 (9), 596, 2022
Revisiting Peirce’s account of scientific creativity to inform classroom practice
J Paul Ferguson, V Prain
Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (5), 524-534, 2020
A peircean socio-semiotic analysis of science students’ creative reasoning as/Through digital simulations
JP Ferguson
Research in Science Education 52 (3), 773-803, 2022
Methodological challenges in researching, teaching and learning student capabilities: The'creativity'case
R Tytler, V Prain, J Ferguson, J Cripps Clark
Deakin University, 2020
Constructivist and sociocultural theories of learning
R Tytler, J Ferguson, P White
The art of teaching science, 35-49, 2020
Methodological Approaches to STEM Education Research Volume 5
PJ White, R Tytler, JP Ferguson, JC Clark
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024
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