Degu Jerene
Degu Jerene
Senior Epidemiologist, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation
Підтверджена електронна адреса в kncvtbc.org
Patients present earlier and survival has improved, but pre-ART attrition is high in a six-year HIV cohort data from Ethiopia
Z Mulissa, D Jerene, B Lindtjørn
PloS one 5 (10), e13268, 2010
Rapid scale-up of antiretroviral treatment in Ethiopia: successes and system-wide effects
Y Assefa, D Jerene, S Lulseged, G Ooms, W Van Damme
PLoS medicine 6 (4), e1000056, 2009
Predictors of early death in a cohort of Ethiopian patients treated with HAART
D Jerene, A Endale, Y Hailu, B Lindtjørn
BMC infectious diseases 6, 1-7, 2006
Antiretroviral therapy at a district hospital in Ethiopia prevents death and tuberculosis in a cohort of HIV patients
D Jerene, A Næss, B Lindtjørn
AIDS Research and Therapy 3, 1-8, 2006
Stigma matters in ending tuberculosis: Nationwide survey of stigma in Ethiopia
DG Datiko, D Jerene, P Suarez
BMC Public Health 20 (1), 190, 2020
Beneficial effect of isoniazid preventive therapy and antiretroviral therapy on the incidence of tuberculosis in people living with HIV in Ethiopia
KD Yirdaw, D Jerene, Z Gashu, ME Edginton, AMV Kumar, Y Letamo, ...
PloS one 9 (8), e104557, 2014
Acceptability of HIV counselling and testing among tuberculosis patients in south Ethiopia
D Jerene, A Endale, B Lindtjørn
BMC International Health and Human Rights 7, 1-6, 2007
Delays to treatment initiation is associated with tuberculosis treatment outcomes among patients on directly observed treatment short course in Southwest Ethiopia: a follow-up …
A Asres, D Jerene, W Deressa
BMC pulmonary medicine 18, 1-11, 2018
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to TB among the general population of Ethiopia: findings from a national cross-sectional survey
DG Datiko, D Habte, D Jerene, P Suarez
PloS one 14 (10), e0224196, 2019
Uptake of isoniazid preventive therapy among under-five children: TB contact investigation as an entry point
Y Tadesse, N Gebre, S Daba, Z Gashu, D Habte, N Hiruy, S Negash, ...
PloS one 11 (5), e0155525, 2016
Pre-and post-diagnosis costs of tuberculosis to patients on Directly Observed Treatment Short course in districts of southwestern Ethiopia: a longitudinal study
A Asres, D Jerene, W Deressa
Journal of health, population and nutrition 37, 1-11, 2018
Patient and health system delay among TB patients in Ethiopia: Nationwide mixed method cross-sectional study
DG Datiko, D Jerene, P Suarez
BMC Public Health 20 (1), 1126, 2020
HIV-infected adolescents have low adherence to antiretroviral therapy: a cross-sectional study in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
N Firdu, F Enquselassie, D Jerene
Pan African Medical Journal 27 (1), 2017
Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease in Ethiopia: a cost-effectiveness analysis
MT Tolla, OF Norheim, ST Memirie, SG Abdisa, A Ababulgu, D Jerene, ...
Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation 14, 1-14, 2016
Incidence of tuberculosis and early mortality in a large cohort of HIV infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in a tertiary hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
A Kassa, A Teka, A Shewaamare, D Jerene
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 106 (6 …, 2012
The additional yield of GeneXpert MTB/RIF test in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis among household contacts of smear positive TB cases
D Habte, M Melese, N Hiruy, Z Gashu, D Jerene, F Moges, S Yifru, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 49, 179-184, 2016
Adolescents living with HIV are at higher risk of death and loss to follow up from care: analysis of cohort data from eight health facilities in Ethiopia
D Jerene, W Abebe, K Taye, A Ruff, I Hallstrom
PloS one 14 (10), e0223655, 2019
Delays to anti-tuberculosis treatment intiation among cases on directly observed treatment short course in districts of southwestern Ethiopia: a cross sectional study
A Asres, D Jerene, W Deressa
BMC infectious diseases 19, 1-9, 2019
The yield of a tuberculosis household contact investigation in two regions of Ethiopia
D Jerene, M Melese, Y Kassie, G Alem, SH Daba, N Hiruye, B Girma, ...
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 19 (8), 898-903, 2015
Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and stigma related to latent tuberculosis infection: a qualitative study among Eritreans in the Netherlands
I Spruijt, DT Haile, S van Den Hof, K Fiekert, N Jansen, D Jerene, ...
BMC public health 20, 1-9, 2020
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