William Gammerdinger
William Gammerdinger
Підтверджена електронна адреса в hsph.harvard.edu
A high quality assembly of the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) genome reveals the structure of two sex determination regions
MA Conte, WJ Gammerdinger, KL Bartie, DJ Penman, TD Kocher
BMC genomics 18, 1-19, 2017
Chromosome-scale assemblies reveal the structural evolution of African cichlid genomes
MA Conte, R Joshi, EC Moore, SP Nandamuri, WJ Gammerdinger, ...
Gigascience 8 (4), giz030, 2019
Unusual diversity of sex chromosomes in African cichlid fishes
WJ Gammerdinger, TD Kocher
Genes 9 (10), 480, 2018
Integrated analysis of miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in tilapia gonads at an early stage of sex differentiation
W Tao, L Sun, H Shi, Y Cheng, D Jiang, B Fu, MA Conte, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-13, 2016
Structure and decay of a proto-Y region in Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus
WJ Gammerdinger, MA Conte, EA Acquah, RB Roberts, TD Kocher
BMC genomics 15 (1), 975, 2014
Comparative analysis of a sex chromosome from the blackchin tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron
WJ Gammerdinger, MA Conte, JF Baroiller, H D’cotta, TD Kocher
BMC genomics 17, 1-10, 2016
Diurnal variation in opsin expression and common housekeeping genes necessitates comprehensive normalization methods for quantitative real‐time PCR analyses
MR Yourick, BA Sandkam, WJ Gammerdinger, D Escobar‐Camacho, ...
Molecular ecology resources 19 (6), 1447-1460, 2019
Novel sex chromosomes in 3 Cichlid fishes from Lake Tanganyika
WJ Gammerdinger, MA Conte, BA Sandkam, A Ziegelbecker, ...
Journal of Heredity 109 (5), 489-500, 2018
Sex-Biased Gene Expression and Dosage Compensation on the Artemia franciscana Z-Chromosome
AK Huylmans, MA Toups, A Macon, WJ Gammerdinger, B Vicoso
Genome Biology and Evolution 11 (4), 1033-1044, 2019
Characterization of sex chromosomes in three deeply diverged species of Pseudocrenilabrinae (Teleostei: Cichlidae)
WJ Gammerdinger, MA Conte, BA Sandkam, DJ Penman, TD Kocher
Hydrobiologia 832, 397-408, 2019
Tbx2a Modulates Switching of RH2 and LWS Opsin Gene Expression
BA Sandkam, L Campello, C O’Brien, SP Nandamuri, WJ Gammerdinger, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (7), 2002-2014, 2020
Pedagogical Comparison of Five Reactions Performed under Microwave Heating in Multi-Mode versus Mono-Mode Ovens: Diels–Alder Cycloaddition, Wittig Salt Formation, E2 …
MR Baar, W Gammerdinger, J Leap, E Morales, J Shikora, MH Weber
Journal of Chemical Education 91 (10), 1720-1724, 2014
Disagreement in FST estimators: A case study from sex chromosomes
WJ Gammerdinger, MA Toups, B Vicoso
Molecular ecology resources 20 (6), 1517-1525, 2020
Understanding student perceptions and practices for pre-lecture content reading in the genetics classroom
WJ Gammerdinger, TD Kocher
Journal of microbiology & biology education 19 (2), 10.1128/jmbe. v19i2. 1371, 2018
Yes, polygenic sex determination is a thing!
TD Kocher, RP Meisel, T Gamble, KA Behrens, WJ Gammerdinger
Trends in Genetics, 2024
Transcriptional profiling of retinal astrocytes identifies a specific marker and points to functional specialization
PF Cullen, WJ Gammerdinger, SJ Ho Sui, AG Mazumder, D Sun
Glia 72 (9), 1604-1628, 2024
The Diversity of Sex Chromosomes within African Cichlids
WJ Gammerdinger
University of Maryland, College Park, 2018
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