Juhani Risku
Juhani Risku
PhD (Creativity, Design, Startups), Univ. of Jyväskylä, Architect SAFA, acoustician, Ind. designer
Підтверджена електронна адреса в jyu.fi - Домашня сторінка
Software startup education: gamifying growth hacking
KK Kemell, P Feshchenko, J Himmanen, A Hossain, F Jameel, RL Puca, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software …, 2019
Gamifying the escape from the engineering method prison
KK Kemell, J Risku, A Evensen, P Abraharnsson, AM Dahl, LH Grytten, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2018
The essence theory of software engineering–large-scale classroom experiences from 450+ software engineering BSc students
KK Kemell, A Nguyen-Duc, X Wang, J Risku, P Abrahamsson
International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement …, 2018
Business model canvas should pay more attention to the software startup team
KK Kemell, A Elonen, M Suoranta, A Nguyen-Duc, J Garbajosa, R Chanin, ...
2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2020
Software startup ESSENCE: How should software startups work?
KK Kemell, A Nguyen-Duc, X Wang, J Risku, P Abrahamsson
Fundamentals of Software Startups: Essential Engineering and Business …, 2020
What can software startuppers learn from the artistic design flow? Experiences, reflections and future avenues
J Risku, P Abrahamsson
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 16th International Conference …, 2015
Uusi Nokia–Käsikirjoitus
J Risku
Differ Books, Inari, 2010
Essencery-a tool for essentializing software engineering practices
A Evensen, KK Kemell, X Wang, J Risku, P Abrahamsson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.02723, 2018
Internal software startups–a multiple case study on practices, methods, and success factors
KK Kemell, J Risku, KE Strandjord, A Nguyen-Duc, X Wang, ...
2020 46th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2020
Improving the performance of early-stage software startups: Design and creativity viewpoints
J Risku
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.00521, 2021
Does Self-efficacy Matter? On the Correlation of Self-efficacy and Creativity in IT Education
J Risku, KK Kemell, J Kultanen, P Feschenko, J Carelse, K Korpikoski
Software Business: 10th International Conference, ICSOB 2019, Jyväskylä …, 2019
A Tool-Based Approach for Essentializing Software Engineering Practices
KK Kemell, A Evensen, X Wang, J Risku, A Nguyen-Duc, P Abrahamsson
2019 45th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2019
Software startuppers took the media s paycheck Media’s fightback happens through startup culture and abstraction shifts
J Risku, O Alapekkala
2016 International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation/IEEE …, 2016
Autonomous maritime ecosystem: digital concepts and business case: results from the JYU TJTSM54 course on advanced topics on systems development
J Impiö, J Risku, S Kollanus, V Vakkuri, KK Kemell, J Kultanen, ...
Advanced Software Business Studies 2018: results from the TJTS5780 Information Systems master course
P Abrahamsson, KK Kemell, J Risku, V Vakkuri
Software startuppers took the medias paycheck Medias fightback happens through startup culture and abstraction shifts
O Alapekkala, J Risku
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.09626, 2016
Arkkitehtuuri rakennussuojelun standardina
J Risku
ASIASTA TOISEEN – kirjoituksia restauroinnista ja rakennussuojelusta 1, 211-215, 2011
Nokia Rescue Booklet New Nokia Manuscript abstract 2011
J Risku
Figshare https://figshare.com/articles …, 2011
Uusi Nokia – Käsikirjoitus Risku Juhani 2010; New Nokia – the Manuscript; Risku Juhani 2010 Finnish edition
J Risku
https://figshare.com/articles …, 2010
Arkkitehtonisen synnyn genre – Eroottisuus arkkitehtuurissa
J Risku
Arkkitehtiopiskelija 1/2003, s. 6-7, 11 2003 (1), 6-7, 11, 2003
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