Amr Eltawil
Amr Eltawil
Professor of Industrial Engineering, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST)
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ejust.edu.eg - Домашня сторінка
Assessment of stacked unidirectional and bidirectional long short-term memory networks for electricity load forecasting
S Atef, AB Eltawil
Electric Power Systems Research 187, 106489, 2020
A simulation-based optimization approach for external trucks appointment scheduling in container terminals
A Azab, A Karam, A Eltawil
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 40 (5), 321-338, 2020
A comparative study using deep learning and support vector regression for electricity price forecasting in smart grids
S Atef, AB Eltawil
2019 IEEE 6th international conference on industrial engineering and …, 2019
Statistical assessment of rainfall characteristics in upper Blue Nile basin over the period from 1953 to 2014
A Samy, M G. Ibrahim, WE Mahmod, M Fujii, A Eltawil, W Daoud
Water 11 (3), 468, 2019
The operating room case-mix problem under uncertainty and nurses capacity constraints
Z Yahia, AB Eltawil, NA Harraz
Health care management science 19, 383-394, 2016
Functional integration approach for the berth allocation, quay crane assignment and specific quay crane assignment problems
A Karam, AB Eltawil
Computers & Industrial Engineering 102, 458-466, 2016
A comprehensive review of the truck appointment scheduling models and directions for future research
AM Abdelmagid, MS Gheith, AB Eltawil
Transport reviews 42 (1), 102-126, 2022
A proposed solution framework for the operating room scheduling problems
ZY Abdelrasol, N Harraz, A Eltawil
Proceedings of the world congress on engineering and computer science 2, 23-25, 2013
A Simulation Based Study Of The Effect Of Truck Arrival Patterns On Truck Turn Time In Container Terminals.
AE Azab, AB Eltawil
ECMS, 80-86, 2016
A decision support system architecture based on simulation optimization for cyber-physical systems
S Salama, AB Eltawil
Procedia Manufacturing 26, 1147-1158, 2018
Solving the container pre-marshalling problem using variable length genetic algorithms
M Gheith, AB Eltawil, NA Harraz
Engineering Optimization 48 (4), 687-705, 2016
Solving the patient appointment scheduling problem in outpatient chemotherapy clinics using clustering and mathematical programming
M Heshmat, K Nakata, A Eltawil
Computers & Industrial Engineering 124, 347-358, 2018
Operating room scheduling problems: a survey and a proposed solution framework
Z Abdelrasol, N Harraz, A Eltawil
Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Issue of the World …, 2014
A dynamic and collaborative truck appointment management system in container terminals
A Azab, A Karam, A Eltawil
International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems 2, 85-95, 2017
An integrated production-logistics-crop rotation planning model for sugar beet supply chains
I Fikry, M Gheith, A Eltawil
Computers & Industrial Engineering 157, 107300, 2021
A comprehensive review and directions for future research on the integrated scheduling of quay cranes and automated guided vehicles and yard cranes in automated container terminals
D Naeem, M Gheith, A Eltawil
Computers & Industrial Engineering 179, 109149, 2023
A new fuzzy logic based approach for optimal household appliance scheduling based on electricity price and load consumption prediction
S Atef, N Ismail, AB Eltawil
Advances in Building Energy Research 16 (2), 262-280, 2022
Solving the heterogeneous capacitated vehicle routing problem using K-means clustering and valid inequalities
N Mostafa, A Eltawil
Proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and …, 2017
Analysis of quantitative models of horizontal collaboration in supply chain network design: Towards “green collaborative” strategies
LE Amer, AB Eltawil
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations …, 2015
Linking approaches for multi-methods simulation in healthcare systems planning and management
M Abdelghany, AB Eltawil
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 26 (2), 275-290, 2017
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