Patrick Danley
Patrick Danley
Associate Professor of Biology, Baylor University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в baylor.edu - Домашня сторінка
Phylogeny of a rapidly evolving clade: the cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi, East Africa
RC Albertson, JA Markert, PD Danley, TD Kocher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (9), 5107-5110, 1999
The stages of vertebrate evolutionary radiation
JT Streelman, PD Danley
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18 (3), 126-131, 2003
Speciation in rapidly diverging systems: lessons from Lake Malawi
PD Danley, TD Kocher
Molecular Ecology 10 (5), 1075-1086, 2001
Population structure and colour variation of the cichlid fishes Labeotropheus fuelleborni Ahl along a recently formed archipelago of rocky habitat patches in southern Lake Malawi
ME Arnegard, JA Markert, PD Danley, JR Stauffer Jr, AJ Ambali, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1999
Divergence with gene flow in the rock‐dwelling cichlids of Lake Malawi
PD Danley, JA Markert, ME Arnegard, TD Kocher
Evolution 54 (5), 1725-1737, 2000
Biogeography and population genetics of the Lake Malawi cichlid Melanochromis auratus: habitat transience, philopatry and speciation
JA Markert, ME Arnegard, PD Danley, TD Kocher
Molecular Ecology 8 (6), 1013-1026, 1999
The impact of the geologic history and paleoclimate on the diversification of East African cichlids
PD Danley, M Husemann, B Ding, LM DiPietro, EJ Beverly, DJ Peppe
International Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2012 (1), 574851, 2012
Age and growth estimates of the thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) in the western Gulf of Maine
JA Sulikowski, J Kneebone, S Elzey, J Jurek, PD Danley, WH Howell, ...
Fishery Bulletin, 2005
The relevance of time series in molecular ecology and conservation biology
JC Habel, M Husemann, A Finger, PD Danley, FE Zachos
Biological Reviews 89 (2), 484-492, 2014
A direct assay of female choice in cichlids: all the eggs in one basket
MR Kidd, PD Danley, TD Kocher
Journal of Fish Biology 68 (2), 373-384, 2006
The reproductive cycle of the thorny skate (Amblyraid radiata) in the western Gulf of Maine
JA Sulikowski, J Kneebone, S Elzey, J Jurek, PD Danley, WH Howell, ...
Fishery Bulletin, 2005
Mitochondrial capture and incomplete lineage sorting in the diversification of balitorine loaches (Cypriniformes, Balitoridae) revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear genes
QY Tang, SQ Liu, D Yu, HZ Liu, PD Danley
Zoologica Scripta 41 (3), 233-247, 2012
Comparative biogeography reveals differences in population genetic structure of five species of stream fishes
M Husemann, JW Ray, RS King, EA Hooser, PD Danley
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107 (4), 867-885, 2012
Explosive speciation and adaptive radiation of East African cichlid fishes
C Sturmbauer, M Husemann, PD Danley
Biodiversity Hotspots: Distribution and Protection of Conservation Priority …, 2011
Aggression in closely related Malawi cichlids varies inversely with habitat complexity
PD Danley
Environmental Biology of Fishes 92, 275-284, 2011
Phylogenetic analyses of band‐winged grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Oedipodinae) reveal convergence of wing morphology
M Husemann, S Namkung, JC Habel, PD Danley, A Hochkirch
Zoologica Scripta 41 (5), 515-526, 2012
New markers for new species: microsatellite loci and the East African cichlids
JA Markert, PD Danley, ME Arnegard
Trends in ecology & evolution 16 (2), 100-107, 2001
Acoustic diversity in Lake Malawi’s rock-dwelling cichlids
PD Danley, M Husemann, J Chetta
Environmental Biology of Fishes 93, 23-30, 2012
Reproductive asynchrony and the divergence of Hawaiian crickets
PD Danley, TN DeCarvalho, DJ Fergus, KL Shaw
Ethology 113 (12), 1125-1132, 2007
Quantitative Genetic Analyses of Male Color Pattern and Female Mate Choice in a Pair of Cichlid Fishes of Lake Malawi, East Africa.
B Ding, DW Daugherty, M Husemann, M Chen, AE Howe, PD Danley
PloS one 9 (12), e114798-e114798, 2014
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