Joseph A. Carpini
Joseph A. Carpini
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uwa.edu.au - Домашня сторінка
Human resource management
RJ Stone, A Cox, M Gavin, J Carpini
John Wiley & Sons, 2023
A Look Back and a Leap Forward: A Review and Synthesis of the Individual Work Performance Literature
JA Carpini, SK Parker, MA Griffin
The Academy of Management Annals, 2017
Work motivation: Where do the different perspectives lead us
A Van den Broeck, J Carpini, J Diefendorff
The Oxford handbook of human motivation 2, 354-372, 2019
The bigger picture: How organizational citizenship behaviors fit within a broader conceptualization of work performance
JA Carpini, SK Parker
The Oxford handbook of organizational citizenship behavior 19, 19-42, 2018
19 How Much Effort Will I Put into My Work? It Depends on Your Type of Motivation
A Van den Broeck, J Carpini, H Leroy, JM Diefendorff
An introduction to work and organizational psychology: An international …, 2017
Pharmacists and Mental Health First Aid training: A comparative analysis of confidence, mental health assistance behaviours and perceived barriers
JA Carpini, A Sharma, MK Evans, S Jumani, E Boyne, R Clifford, ...
Early intervention in psychiatry, 2022
Can a familiar gender stereotype create a not-so-familiar benefit for women? Evidence of gendered differences in ascribed stereotypes and effects of team member adaptivity on …
JA Carpini, A Luksyte, SK Parker, CG Collins
Journal of Organizational Behavior 44 (4), 590 - 605, 2023
Perceived barriers to multiprofessional team briefings in operating theatres: a qualitative study
L Fruhen, JA Carpini, SK Parker, Y Leung, AFS Flemming
BMJ open 10 (2), e032351, 2020
Mental health first aid by Australian tertiary staff: Application rates, modes, content, and outcomes
JA Carpini, J Chandra, J Lin, R Teo, N Truong, E Boyne, T Wylde, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 15 (5), 1234-1242, 2021
Experienced incivility undermines the positive effects of job autonomy on mental and physical health
AR Timming, JA Carpini, TM Hirst, AW Tian, L Notebaert
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 35 (4), 563-586, 2024
Multidisciplinary team briefings: a way forward
JA Carpini, AFS Flemming, SK Parker
Day Surgery Australia 14 (2), 12-14, 2015
Validating the Team Emergency Assessment Measure (TEAM) in obstetric and gynaecologic resuscitation teams
JA Carpini, K Calvert, S Carter, M Epee‐Bekima, Y Leung
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 61 (6), 855-861, 2021
Job design
SK Parker, JA Carpini
Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, 2016
Perceived overqualification and subjective career success: Is harmonious or obsessive passion beneficial?
A Luksyte, JA Carpini
Applied Psychology 73 (4), 2077-2106, 2024
Job rotation
JA Carpini, SK Parker
Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management, 2016
Fostering a culture of safety and patient care through multi-disciplinary team briefings: a pilot study
J Carpini, S Flemming
Journal of Health, Safety and Environment 36 (1), 2020
Eight techniques to support high-quality perioperative communication: Reflections on the NASSF WA survey
AFS Flemming, JA Carpini
Day Surgery Australia 18 (2), 9-15, 2019
Your work, your health: The role of industrial organizational psychology in health & health care in Canada
JA Carpini
Conscientiousness and perceived ethicality: Examining why hierarchy of authority diminishes this positive relationship
A Luksyte, JA Carpini, SK Parker, MA Griffin
Human Resource Management 63 (4), 601-617, 2024
How and Why is Context Important in Leadership?
B Oc, JA Carpini
The SAGE Handbook of Leadership, 359-370, 2023
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