Sam Donovan
Sam Donovan
Director of Outreach and Strategic Engagement, BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium; PI, QUBES
Підтверджена електронна адреса в bioquest.org - Домашня сторінка
Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology: A meta-analysis
L Springer, ME Stanne, SS Donovan
Review of educational research 69 (1), 21-51, 1999
Vision and change in undergraduate biology education: a call to action
CW Anderson, C Bauerle, A DePass, S Donovan, S Drew, D Ebert-May, ...
Washington DC: AAAS, available at: http://visionandchange. org/finalreport, 2012
The tree-thinking challenge
DA Baum, SDW Smith, SS Donovan
Science 310 (5750), 979-980, 2005
Bioinformatics core competencies for undergraduate life sciences education
MA Wilson Sayres, C Hauser, M Sierk, S Robic, AG Rosenwald, TM Smith, ...
PloS one 13 (6), e0196878, 2018
Barriers to integration of bioinformatics into undergraduate life sciences education: A national study of US life sciences faculty uncover significant barriers to integrating …
JJ Williams, JC Drew, S Galindo-Gonzalez, S Robic, E Dinsdale, ...
PLoS One 14 (11), e0224288, 2019
Measuring the success of small-group learning in college level SMET teaching: a meta-analysis
L Springer, ME Stanne, S Donovan
Review of Educational Research 69 (9), 21-51, 1999
Vision and change: A call to action, final report
AA the Advancement of Science
Washington, DC. Retrieved July 3, 2018, 2011
QUBES: a community focused on supporting teaching and learning in quantitative biology
S Donovan, CD Eaton, ST Gower, KP Jenkins, MD LaMar, DB Poli, ...
Letters in Biomathematics 2 (1), 46-55, 2015
Big data: teaching must evolve to keep up with advances
S Donovan
Nature 455 (7212), 461-461, 2008
Using rich context and data exploration to improve engagement with climate data and data literacy: Bringing a field station into the college classroom
AL Ellwein, LM Hartley, S Donovan, I Billick
Journal of Geoscience Education 62 (4), 578-586, 2014
Accelerating STEM education reform: Linked communities of practice promote creation of open educational resources and sustainable professional development
AJ Kleinschmit, A Rosenwald, EF Ryder, S Donovan, B Murdoch, ...
International journal of STEM education 10 (1), 16, 2023
Effects of smallgroup learning on undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology: A meta-analysis. Research Monograph 11
L Springer, ME Stanne, SS Donovan
National Institute for Science Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997
Incubators: Building community networks and developing open educational resources to integrate bioinformatics into life science education
EF Ryder, WR Morgan, M Sierk, SS Donovan, SD Robertson, HC Orndorf, ...
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 48 (4), 381-390, 2020
Bioinformatics education dissemination with an evolutionary problem solving perspective
JR Jungck, SS Donovan, AE Weisstein, N Khiripet, SJ Everse
Briefings in bioinformatics 11 (6), 570-581, 2010
Modeling for understanding in science education
J Stewart, C Passmore, J Cartier, J Rudolph, S Donovan
Understanding mathematics and science matters, 159-184, 2005
Effects of cooperative learning on academic achievement among undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology: a meta-analysis (Unpublished Report)
L Springer, ME Stanne, S Donovan
Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison and National Center for …, 1997
Effects of cooperative learning on undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology: A meta-analysis
L Springer, ME Stanne, S Donovan
Unpublished manuscript, National Institute for Science Education, University …, 1997
Enzyme kinetics
V Chandler, S Donovan, W Goodwin, S Sprague, F Stiefbold
Proceeding of the 19th Workshop/Conference of the Association for Biology …, 1998
Community development, implementation, and assessment of a NIBLSE bioinformatics sequence similarity learning resource
AJ Kleinschmit, EF Ryder, JL Kerby, B Murdoch, S Donovan, ...
Plos one 16 (9), e0257404, 2021
Bringing research data to the ecology classroom through a QUBES faculty mentoring network
KM Bonner, AE Fleming-Davies, KL Grayson, AN Hale, XB Wu, ...
Special publication Ecological Society of America 13, 2017
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