Fei-Hai Yu (于飞海)
Fei-Hai Yu (于飞海)
Taizhou University/ Previous: Beijing Forestry Uni.; Institute of Botany, CAS; WSL
Немає підтвердженої електронної адреси
United we stand, divided we fall: a meta-analysis of experiments on clonal integration and its relationship to invasiveness
YB Song, FH Yu, LH Keser, W Dawson, M Fischer, M Dong, ...
Oecologia 171 (2), 317-327, 2013
Clonal integration helps Psammochloa villosa survive sand burial in an inland dune
F Yu, M Dong, B Krüsi
New Phytologist 162 (3), 697-704, 2004
Invasive alien plants benefit more from clonal integration in heterogeneous environments than natives
YJ Wang, H Müller‐Schärer, M van Kleunen, AM Cai, P Zhang, R Yan, ...
New Phytologist 216 (4), 1072-1078, 2017
Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale
E Valencia, F De Bello, T Galland, PB Adler, J Lepš, A E-Vojtkó, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (39), 24345-24351, 2020
Clonal integration affects growth, photosynthetic efficiency and biomass allocation, but not the competitive ability, of the alien invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides under …
N Wang, FH Yu, PX Li, WM He, FH Liu, JM Liu, M Dong
Annals of botany 101 (5), 671-678, 2008
Clonal integration enhances survival and performance of Potentilla anserina, suffering from partial sand burial on Ordos plateau, China
F Yu, Y Chen, M Dong
Evolutionary Ecology 15 (4-6), 303-318, 2001
A trade-off between guerrilla and phalanx growth forms in Leymus secalinus under different nutrient supplies
XH Ye, FH Yu, M Dong
Annals of Botany 98 (1), 187-191, 2006
Clonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides
N Wang, FH Yu, PX Li, WM He, J Liu, GL Yu, YB Song, M Dong
Plant Biology 11 (3), 483-489, 2009
Adaptation of rhizome connections in drylands: increasing tolerance of clones to wind erosion
FH Yu, N Wang, WM He, Y Chu, M Dong
Annals of Botany 102 (4), 571-577, 2008
Physiological integration in an introduced, invasive plant increases its spread into experimental communities and modifies their structure
FH Yu, N Wang, P Alpert, WM He, M Dong
American Journal of Botany 96 (11), 1983-1989, 2009
How internode length, position and presence of leaves affect survival and growth of Alternanthera philoxeroides after fragmentation?
BC Dong, GL Yu, W Guo, MX Zhang, M Dong, FH Yu
Evolutionary Ecology 24 (6), 1447-1461, 2010
Handbook of standardized protocols for collecting plant modularity traits
J Klimešová, J Martínková, JG Pausas, MG de Moraes, T Herben, FH Yu, ...
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40, 125485, 2019
Invasive clonal plant species have a greater root-foraging plasticity than non-invasive ones
LH Keser, W Dawson, YB Song, FH Yu, M Fischer, M Dong, ...
Oecologia 174 (3), 1055-1064, 2014
Clonal integration in homogeneous environments increases performance of Alternanthera philoxeroides
BC Dong, P Alpert, Q Zhang, FH Yu
Oecologia 179 (2), 393-403, 2015
Clonal Plant Ecology
M Dong, FH Yu, et al.
Beijing: Science Press, 2011
Reduced compensatory effects explain the nitrogen‐mediated reduction in stability of an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau
MH Song, FH Yu
New Phytologist 207 (1), 70-77, 2015
Plant traits and ecosystem effects of clonality: a new research agenda
JHC Cornelissen, YB Song, FH Yu, M Dong
Annals of botany 114 (2), 369-376, 2014
Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on intraspecific competition in the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
J Zhou, BC Dong, P Alpert, HL Li, MX Zhang, GC Lei, FH Yu
Annals of botany 109 (4), 813-818, 2012
Effects of fragmentation on the survival and growth of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides
BC Dong, P Alpert, W Guo, FH Yu
Biological Invasions 14 (6), 1101-1110, 2012
Reciprocal and coincident patchiness of multiple resources differentially affect benefits of clonal integration in two perennial plants
WM He, P Alpert, FH Yu, LL Zhang, M Dong
Journal of Ecology 99 (5), 1202-1210, 2011
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