Vicente Chulvi
Vicente Chulvi
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uji.es
Comparison of the degree of creativity in the design outcomes using different design methods
V Chulvi, E Mulet, A Chakrabarti, B López-Mesa, C González-Cruz
Journal of Engineering Design 23 (4), 241-269, 2012
Influence of the type of idea-generation method on the creativity of solutions
V Chulvi, MC González-Cruz, E Mulet, J Aguilar-Zambrano
Research in Engineering Design 24, 33-41, 2013
Fuzzy Cognitive Map-based selection of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) trends for eco-innovation of ceramic industry products
R Vidal, JL Salmeron, A Mena, V Chulvi
Journal of Cleaner Production 107, 202-214, 2015
Assessment of the relationships among design methods, design activities, and creativity
V Chulvi, A Sonseca, E Mulet, A Chakrabarti
Usefulness of evolution lines in eco-design
V Chulvi, R Vidal
Procedia engineering 9, 135-144, 2011
The effect of information and communication technologies on creativity in collaborative design
V Chulvi, E Mulet, F Felip, C García-García
Research in Engineering Design 28, 7-23, 2017
Natural elements in the designer's work environment influence the creativity of their results
V Chulvi, MJ Agost, F Felip, J Gual
Journal of Building Engineering 28, 101033, 2020
Knowledge generation for enhancing design creativity through co-creative Virtual Learning Communities
C García-García, V Chulvi, M Royo
Thinking Skills and Creativity 24, 12-19, 2017
A metric for evaluating novelty and circularity as a whole in conceptual design proposals
L Ruiz-Pastor, V Chulvi, E Mulet, M Royo
Journal of Cleaner Production 337, 130495, 2022
Does the work environment affect designers’ creativity during the creative phase depending on their personality profile?
C García-García, V Chulvi, M Royo, J Gual, F Felip
Thinking Skills and Creativity 33, 100578, 2019
Relationship between the degree of creativity and the quality of design outcomes
E Mulet, M Royo, V Chulvi, J Galán
Dyna 84 (200), 38-45, 2017
Influence of the dominant thinking style in the degree of novelty of designs in virtual and traditional working environments
E Mulet, V Chulvi, M Royo, J Galán
Journal of Engineering Design 27 (7), 413-437, 2016
Users’ reactions captured by means of an EEG headset on viewing the presentation of sustainable designs using verbal narrative
M Royo, V Chulvi, E Mulet, J Galán
European Journal of Marketing 52 (1/2), 159-181, 2018
Analysis of parameters about useful life extension in 70 tools and methods related to eco‐design and circular economy
M Royo, V Chulvi, E Mulet, L Ruiz‐Pastor
Journal of Industrial Ecology 27 (2), 562-586, 2023
Automated design of customized implants
V Chulvi, D Cebrian-Tarrasón, Á Sancho, R Vidal
Revista facultad de ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia, 95-103, 2013
Medida de la creatividad en productos: Métricas y objetividad
V Chulvi Ramos, E Mulet Escrig, MC González-Cruz
DYNA: Ingeniería e Industria 87 (1), 80-89, 2012
Effect of the application of circularity requirements as guided questions on the creativity and the circularity of the design outcomes
L Ruiz-Pastor, E Mulet, V Chulvi, M Royo
Journal of Cleaner Production 281, 124758, 2021
The relationship between personal intrinsic factors towards a design problem and the degree of novelty and circularity
L Ruiz-Pastor, V Chulvi, E Mulet, M Royo
Research in Engineering Design 33 (1), 7-30, 2022
Knowledge-Based Engineering in cranioplasty implant design
V Chulvi, A Sancho, D Cebrián, R Jiménez, C Muñoz, R Vidal
DS 42: Proceedings of ICED 2007, the 16th International Conference on …, 2007
TRIZ on Design-oriented Knowledge-based Systems
V Chulvi, R Vidal
The TRIZ Journal, March Issues, 2009
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