Nada Zamel
Nada Zamel
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ise.fraunhofer.de - Домашня сторінка
Fundamentals, materials, and machine learning of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell technology
Y Wang, B Seo, B Wang, N Zamel, K Jiao, XC Adroher
Energy and AI 1, 100014, 2020
Effect of contaminants on polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
N Zamel, X Li
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 37 (3), 292-329, 2011
Effective transport properties for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells–with a focus on the gas diffusion layer
N Zamel, X Li
Progress in energy and combustion science 39 (1), 111-146, 2013
Experimental measurement of effective diffusion coefficient of gas diffusion layer/microporous layer in PEM fuel cells
C Chan, N Zamel, X Li, J Shen
Electrochimica Acta 65, 13-21, 2012
Correlation for the effective gas diffusion coefficient in carbon paper diffusion media
N Zamel, X Li, J Shen
Energy & Fuels 23 (12), 6070-6078, 2009
Experimental measurements of effective diffusion coefficient of oxygen–nitrogen mixture in PEM fuel cell diffusion media
N Zamel, NGC Astrath, X Li, J Shen, J Zhou, FBG Astrath, H Wang, ZS Liu
Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2), 931-937, 2010
Life cycle analysis of internal combustion engine, electric and fuel cell vehicles for China
D Wang, N Zamel, K Jiao, Y Zhou, S Yu, Q Du, Y Yin
Energy 59, 402-412, 2013
Estimating effective thermal conductivity in carbon paper diffusion media
N Zamel, X Li, J Shen, J Becker, A Wiegmann
Chemical Engineering Science 65 (13), 3994-4006, 2010
Life cycle analysis of vehicles powered by a fuel cell and by internal combustion engine for Canada
N Zamel, X Li
Journal of Power Sources 155 (2), 297-310, 2006
Estimating the thermal conductivity and diffusion coefficient of the microporous layer of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
N Zamel, J Becker, A Wiegmann
Journal of power sources 207, 70-80, 2012
Effect of liquid water on transport properties of the gas diffusion layer of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
N Zamel, X Li, J Becker, A Wiegmann
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (9), 5466-5478, 2011
Measurement of in-plane thermal conductivity of carbon paper diffusion media in the temperature range of− 20° C to+ 120° C
N Zamel, E Litovsky, S Shakhshir, X Li, J Kleiman
Applied energy 88 (9), 3042-3050, 2011
The catalyst layer and its dimensionality–A look into its ingredients and how to characterize their effects
N Zamel
Journal of Power Sources 309, 141-159, 2016
Transient analysis of carbon monoxide poisoning and oxygen bleeding in a PEM fuel cell anode catalyst layer
N Zamel, X Li
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (4), 1335-1344, 2008
Effect of operating conditions on current density distribution and high frequency resistance in a segmented PEM fuel cell
D Gerteisen, N Zamel, C Sadeler, F Geiger, V Ludwig, C Hebling
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (9), 7736-7744, 2012
Numerical estimation of the effective electrical conductivity in carbon paper diffusion media
N Zamel, X Li, J Shen
Applied Energy 93, 39-44, 2012
Measurement of the through-plane thermal conductivity of carbon paper diffusion media for the temperature range from− 50 to+ 120° C
N Zamel, E Litovsky, X Li, J Kleiman
international journal of hydrogen energy 36 (19), 12618-12625, 2011
A review of functions, attributes, properties and measurements for the quality control of proton exchange membrane fuel cell components
XZ Yuan, C Nayoze-Coynel, N Shaigan, D Fisher, N Zhao, N Zamel, ...
Journal of Power Sources 491, 229540, 2021
Through-plane thermal conductivity of the microporous layer in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
G Unsworth, N Zamel, X Li
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (6), 5161-5169, 2012
Effects of mechanical compression on the performance of polymer electrolyte fuel cells and analysis through in-situ characterisation techniques-a review
K Bouziane, N Zamel, X Francois, Y Meyer, D Candusso
Journal of Power Sources 424, 8-26, 2019
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