Bonny Thawani
Bonny Thawani
Cranfield Forensic Institute, Cranfield University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в cranfield.ac.uk - Домашня сторінка
Coal fly ash for the recovery of nitrogenous compounds from wastewater: Parametric considerations and system design
P Simha, A Ramanathan, B Thawani, P Jain, S Hussain, M Ganesapillai
Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2016
Design and analysis for the removal of active pharmaceuticalresidues from synthetic wastewater stream
C Deb, B Thawani, S Menon, V Gore, V Chellappan, S Ranjan, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 13, 2019
Characterization of refuse derived fuel samples prepared from municipal solid waste in Vellore, India
B Thawani, B Mahanty, SK Behera
Environmental technology 43 (12), 1843-1852, 2022
Assessing the pressure losses during hydrogen transport in the current natural gas infrastructure using numerical modelling
B Thawani, R Hazael, R Critchley
international journal of hydrogen energy 48 (88), 34463-34475, 2023
Numerical modelling study of a modified sandbag system for ballistic protection
B Thawani, R Hazael, R Critchley
Journal of Computational Science 53, 101403, 2021
Numerical modelling of hydrogen leakages in confined spaces for domestic applications
B Thawani, R Hazael, R Critchley
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 56, 797-806, 2024
Quantification of fragmentation capture materials and an assessment of the viability of economical alternatives: a preliminary study
J Read, T Ritchie, L Brown, S Bloodworth-Race, B Thawani, R Critchley, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 381 (2259), 20220348, 2023
Multi-impact response of CR4 mild steel: characterising the transition from absorption to failure
B Thawani, T Batchelor, J Painter, R Hazael, R Critchley
Engineering Research Express 5 (1), 015061, 2023
Design of multi-layered protection against guided mortar threats yhrough numerical modeling
B Thawani, SK Lim, L Brown, R Critchley, R Hazael
Defence Technology 29, 55-65, 2023
Effects of grazing ballistic impacts on combat helmets and behind helmet blunt trauma
G Boneva, K Norton-Hewins, R Hazael, F Brock, B Thawani
DEStech Publications, Inc, 2023
Explosive risk assessment for hydrogen use in domestic applications
B Thawani
Cranfield University, 2022
Influence of automation on human factor integration in Risk Assessment systems
B Thawani, R Critchley, R Hazael
Challenges in Risk Analysis for Science and Engineering: Development of a …, 2022
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