Nina Prasolova, PhD
Nina Prasolova, PhD
Griffith University/QUT
Підтверджена електронна адреса в qut.edu.au
Soil carbon and nutrient pools, microbial properties and gross nitrogen transformations in adjacent natural forest and hoop pine plantations of subtropical Australia
Z Xu, S Ward, C Chen, T Blumfield, N Prasolova, J Liu
Journal of Soils and Sediments 8, 99-105, 2008
Genetic variation in branchlet carbon and nitrogen isotope composition and nutrient concentration of 11-year-old hoop pine families in relation to tree growth in subtropical …
Z Xu, N Prasolova, K Lundkvist, C Beadle, T Leaman
Forest Ecology and Management 186 (1-3), 359-371, 2003
Genetic variation in foliar carbon isotope composition in relation to tree growth and foliar nitrogen concentration in clones of the F1 hybrid between slash pine and Caribbean pine
NV Prasolova, ZH Xu, K Lundkvist, GD Farquhar, MJ Dieters, S Walker, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 172 (2-3), 145-160, 2003
Spatial–temporal variability of soil moisture, nitrogen availability indices and other chemical properties in hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations of subtropical …
NV Prasolova, ZH Xu, PG Saffigna, MJ Dieters
Forest Ecology and Management 136 (1-3), 1-10, 2000
Canopy carbon and oxygen isotope composition of 9-year-old hoop pine families in relation to seedling carbon isotope composition, growth, field growth performance, and canopy …
NV Prasolova, Z Xu, GD Farquhar, PG Saffigna, MJ Dieters
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31 (4), 673-681, 2001
Variation in branchlet δ13C in relation to branchlet nitrogen concentration and growth in 8-year-old hoop pine families (Araucaria cunninghamii) in subtropical …
NV Prasolova, ZH Xu, GD Farquhar, PG Saffigna, MJ Dieters
Tree Physiology 20 (15), 1049-1055, 2000
Effect of overlying windrowed harvest residues on soil carbon and nitrogen in hoop pine plantations of subtropical Australia.
TJ Blumfield, XZH Xu ZhiHong, NV Prasolova, NJ Mathers
Genetic variation in foliar nutrient concentration in relation to foliar carbon isotope composition and tree growth with clones of the F1 hybrid between slash pine and …
NV Prasolova, ZH Xu, K Lundkvist
Forest ecology and management 210 (1-3), 173-191, 2005
Variation in canopy δ13C of 8-year-old hoop pine families (Araucaria cunninghamii) in relation to canopy nitrogen concentration and tree growth in subtropical Australia
NV Prasolova, ZH Xu, GD Farquhar, PG Saffigna, MJ Dieters
Tree Physiol 20, 1049-1055, 2000
Sampling size required for determining soil carbon and nitrogen properties at early establishment of second rotation hoop pine plantations in subtropical Australia
TJ Blumfield, XU Zhi-Hong, NV Prasolova
Pedosphere 17 (6), 706-711, 2007
Genetic variation in branchlet nutrient concentrations at different canopy positions in relation to branchlet δ13C and δ18O and tree growth of 8–9 years old hoop pine families …
NV Prasolova, ZH Xu
Tree Physiol 23, 675-684, 2003
Canopy N and water use efficiency, tree growth and fate of 15N-labelled fertilizer in the first 4 years after fertilization of 7-year-old hoop pine plantation in Queensland
ZH Xu, D Wiseman, KA Bubb, WX Ding, NV Prasolova, PG Saffigna, ...
Proc. Soil 2000 Conference: New Horizons for a New Century, NZ Soil Sci. Soc …, 2000
Branchlet nutrient concentration in hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) relative to family, stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios and growth rate in contrasting …
NV Prasolova, ZH Xu
Tree physiology 23 (10), 675-684, 2003
Genetic vari 鄄 ation in branchlet carbon and nitrogen isotope composi 鄄 tion and nutrient concentration of 11 鄄 year 鄄 old hoop pine families in relation to tree growth in …
摇XuZH, N Prasolova, K Lundkvist
Forest Ecology and Management 186, 359-371, 2003
Tracking citations in Law
N Prasolova
Comment & practical guidance from the LIS-Bibliometrics community, 2018
It's all in the Team: Collaborations driving success in learning–a first year case
F Breen
QUT Student Success Symposium, 2015
“Success in (Surviving) Bioscience and Pharmacology”–an eBook to improve the retention of diploma nurses transitioning to a Bachelor of Nursing course
S Doggrell, S Schaffer, JL Rowe, N Prasolova
Student Success Symposium, 2015
Collaborative learning from distributed places and spaces: Exploring the use of virtual collaborative tools for local and global student teamwork projects
F Breen, BE Irmer, C Susilawati
Time, Place, and Space (HERN Symposium), 2015
Time, place and space-student group collaboration using Google Drive
F Breen, N Prasolova
Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual …, 2015
QUT Library advances the use of open public tools to navigate genetic inventions and builds research networks
N Prasolova, SJ Bradbury, OA Jefferson
Research Showcase: Opportunities with ACIAR and the Rural Research …, 2014
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