Media Anugerah Ayu
Media Anugerah Ayu
Інші іменаMedia A. Ayu, Media Ayu, M. A. Ayu
Professor, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
Підтверджена електронна адреса в sampoernauniversity.ac.id - Домашня сторінка
Public School Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitude on Teaching with Technology to Promote Primary Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills
D Apriyanti, T Mantoro, MA Ayu
Journal of Education and Technology (JET) 2, 2354-8533, 2014
Multi-faces recognition process using Haar cascades and eigenface methods
T Mantoro, MA Ayu
2018 6th international conference on multimedia computing and systems (ICMCS …, 2018
A Comparison Study of Classifier Algorithms for Mobile-phone's Accelerometer Based Activity Recognition
MA Ayu, SA Ismail, AFA Matin, T Mantoro
Procedia Engineering 41, 224-229, 2012
TouchIn: An NFC Supported Attendance System in a University Environment
MA Ayu, BI Ahmad
International Journal of Information and Education Technology 4 (5), 448-453, 2014
Teachers' Perspectives and Practices in Applying Technology to Enhance Learning in the Classroom.
TS Safitry, T Mantoro, Media Anugerah Ayu, I Mayumi, R Dewanti, ...
Int. J. Emerg. Technol. Learn. 10 (3), 10-14, 2015
Hajjlocator: A hajj pilgrimage tracking framework in crowded ubiquitous environment
T Mantoro, MFM Aris, MA Ayu
2011 International conference on multimedia computing and systems, 1-6, 2011
Recognizing user activity based on accelerometer data from a mobile phone
MA Ayu, T Mantoro, AFA Matin, SSO Basamh
2011 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics, 617-621, 2011
Web based multi criteria decision making using AHP method
FGM Al-Azab, MA Ayu
Proceeding of the 3rd international conference on information and …, 2010
Active learning: Engaging students in the classroom using mobile phones
MA Ayu, K Taylor, T Mantoro
2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications 2, 711-715, 2009
Securing the authentication and message integrity for Smart Home using smart phone
T Mantoro, MA Ayu, SM binti Mahmod
2014 International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS …, 2014
Live video streaming for mobile devices: An application on android platform
T Mantoro, MA Ayu, D Jatikusumo
2nd International Conference on Uncertainty Reasoning and Knowledge …, 2012
Web content accessibility and its relation to Webometrics ranking and search engines optimization
MA Elgharabawy, MA Ayu
2011 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information …, 2011
Evaluating the accessibility of provinces'e-government websites in Indonesia
IGBNE Darmaputra, SS Wijaya, MA Ayu
2017 5th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM …, 2017
Web-enabled smart home using wireless node infrastructure
T Mantoro, MA Ayu, EE Elnour
The 9th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and …, 2011
Extreme learning machine for user location prediction in mobile environment
T Mantoro, A Olowolayemo, SO Olatunji, MA Ayu, AOM Tap
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications 7 (2), 162-180, 2011
Survnvote: A free web based audience response system to support interactivity in the classroom
T Mantoro, MA Ayu, E Habul, AU Khasanah
2010 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS 2010), 34-39, 2010
Secured communication between mobile devices and smart home appliances
T Mantoro, MAM Adnan, MA Ayu
2013 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and …, 2013
Analysing the security of NFC based payment systems
NE Tabet, MA Ayu
2016 International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 169-174, 2016
Rich information service delivery to mobile users using smart posters
MA Ayu, T Mantoro, SA Ismail, NS Zulkifli
2012 Second International Conference on Digital Information and …, 2012
Exploring end-user preferences of 3D mobile interactive navigation design
AI Abubakar, T Mantoro, MA Ayu, M Mahmud
The 9th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and …, 2011
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