Professor Bodo Lang (PhD, MCom, CTT)
Professor Bodo Lang (PhD, MCom, CTT)
Marketing, Massey Business School, Massey University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в massey.ac.nz - Домашня сторінка
Switching barriers in consumer markets: an investigation of the financial services industry
M Colgate, B Lang
Journal of consumer marketing 18 (4), 332-347, 2001
Relationship quality, on‐line banking and the information technology gap
B Lang, M Colgate
International journal of bank marketing 21 (1), 29-37, 2003
Word of mouth: what we know and what we have yet to learn
B Lang, KF Hyde
Journal of consumer satisfaction, dissatisfaction and complaining behavior …, 2013
Conclusion explicitness in advertising: The moderating role of need for cognition (NFC) and argument quality (AQ) on persuasion
BAS Martin, B Lang, S Wong, BAS Martin
Journal of advertising 32 (4), 57-66, 2003
Prosumers in times of crisis: definition, archetypes and implications
B Lang, R Dolan, J Kemper, G Northey
Journal of Service Management 32 (2), 176-189, 2020
How gender affects the relationship between hedonic shopping motivation and purchase intentions?
R Davis, B Lang, J San Diego
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 13 (1), 18-30, 2014
Modeling utilitarian‐hedonic dual mediation (UHDM) in the purchase and use of games
R Davis, B Lang, N Gautam
Internet Research 23 (2), 229-256, 2013
How word of mouth communication varies across service encounters
B Lang
Managing service quality: an international journal 21 (6), 583 - 598, 2011
Are liquid sugars different from solid sugar in their ability to cause metabolic syndrome?
G Sundborn, S Thornley, TR Merriman, B Lang, C King, MA Lanaspa, ...
Obesity 27 (6), 879-887, 2019
Are trust and consumption values important for buyers of organic food? A comparison of regular buyers, occasional buyers, and non-buyers
VA Truong, B Lang, DM Conroy
Appetite 161, 105123, 2021
A comparison of online and offline gender and goal directed shopping online
R Davis, SD Smith, BU Lang
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 38, 118-125, 2017
How to grow the sharing economy? Create Prosumers!
B Lang, E Botha, J Robertson, JA Kemper, R Dolan, J Kietzmann
Australasian marketing journal 28 (3), 58-66, 2020
Positive and negative consequences of a relationship manager strategy: New Zealand banks and their small business customers
M Colgate, B Lang
Journal of Business Research 58 (2), 195-204, 2005
When food governance matters to consumer food choice: Consumer perception of and preference for food quality certifications
B Lang, DM Conroy
Appetite 168, 105688, 2022
Dissecting word-of-mouth's effectiveness and how to use it as a proconsumer tool
B Lang, R Lawson
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 25 (4), 374-399, 2013
Why do consumers become providers? Self-determination in the sharing economy
B Lang, J Kemper, R Dolan, G Northey
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 32 (2), 132-155, 2022
The trust paradox in food labelling: an exploration of consumers’ perceptions of certified vegetables
VA Truong, DM Conroy, B Lang
Food Quality and Preference 93, 104280, 2021
Modeling game usage, purchase behavior and ease of use
R Davis, B Lang
Entertainment Computing 3 (2), 27-36, 2012
Hopefully that’s not wasted! The role of hope for reducing food waste
M Khalil, G Northey, F Septianto, B Lang
Journal of Business Research 147, 59-70, 2022
Message Sidedness At the Brand and Product Form Levels: Overcoming the Shortcomings of Two-Sided Messages?
B Lang, CKC Lee, R Zwick
NA - Advances in Consumer Research 26, 485-490, 1999
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