Jane Ogden
Jane Ogden
School of Psychology University of Surrey
Підтверджена електронна адреса в surrey.ac.uk - Домашня сторінка
Health psychology: A textbook . England
J Ogden
Open University Press, McGraw-Hill Education, 2004
Children’s eating attitudes and behaviour: a study of the modelling and control theories of parental influence
R Brown, J Ogden
Health education research 19 (3), 261-271, 2004
Some problems with social cognition models: a pragmatic and conceptual analysis.
J Ogden
Health psychology 22 (4), 424, 2003
The psychology of eating: From healthy to disordered behavior
J Ogden
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Expanding the concept of parental control: a role for overt and covert control in children's snacking behaviour?
J Ogden, R Reynolds, A Smith
Appetite 47 (1), 100-106, 2006
The role of parental control practices in explaining children's diet and BMI
KA Brown, J Ogden, C Vögele, EL Gibson
Appetite 50 (2-3), 252-259, 2008
The development and validation of the Exercise Dependence Questionnaire
J Ogden, D Veale, Z Summers
Addiction research 5 (4), 343-355, 1997
A qualitative study of GPs' views of treating obesity
L Epstein, J Ogden
British Journal of General Practice 55 (519), 750-754, 2005
The effect of the media on body satisfaction: The role of gender and size
J Ogden, K Mundray
European Eating Disorders Review: The Professional Journal of the Eating …, 1996
Eating style and eating behaviour in adolescents
J Wardle, L Marsland, Y Sheikh, M Quinn, I Fedoroff, J Ogden
Appetite 18 (3), 167-183, 1992
Friendship motivations, challenges and the role of masking for girls with autism in contrasting school settings
A Cook, J Ogden, N Winstone
European Journal of Special Needs Education 33 (3), 302-315, 2018
“I want more time with my doctor”: a quantitative study of time and the consultation
J Ogden, K Bavalia, M Bull, S Frankum, C Goldie, M Gosslau, A Jones, ...
Family practice 21 (5), 479-483, 2004
Distraction, the desire to eat and food intake. Towards an expanded model of mindless eating
J Ogden, N Coop, C Cousins, R Crump, L Field, S Hughes, N Woodger
Appetite 62, 119-126, 2013
The role of the mother‐daughter relationship in explaining weight concern
J Ogden, J Steward
International Journal of Eating Disorders 28 (1), 78-83, 2000
General practitioners' experiences of patients' complaints: qualitative study
A Jain, J Ogden
Bmj 318 (7198), 1596-1599, 1999
Practice nurses’ beliefs about obesity and weight related interventions in primary care
R Hoppe, J Ogden
International journal of obesity 21 (2), 141-146, 1997
General practitioners’ and patients’ models of obesity: whose problem is it?
J Ogden, I Bandara, H Cohen, D Farmer, J Hardie, H Minas, J Moore, ...
Patient education and counseling 44 (3), 227-233, 2001
The impact of obesity surgery and the paradox of control: a qualitative study
J Ogden, C Clementi, S Aylwin
Psychology & health 21 (2), 273-293, 2006
Psychosocial theory and the creation of the risky self
J Ogden
Social science & medicine 40 (3), 409-415, 1995
Beliefs about the causes and solutions to obesity: a comparison of GPs and lay people
J Ogden, Z Flanagan
Patient education and counseling 71 (1), 72-78, 2008
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