Ajay Malkoti
Ultrasonic P-and S-wave attenuation and petrophysical properties of Deccan Flood Basalts, India, as revealed by Borehole Studies
N Vedanti, A Malkoti, OP Pandey, JP Shrivastava
Pure and Applied Geophysics 175, 2905-2930, 2018
FDwave3D: a MATLAB solver for the 3D anisotropic wave equation using the finite-difference method
L Li, J Tan, D Zhang, A Malkoti, I Abakumov, Y Xie
Computational Geosciences 25, 1565-1578, 2021
A highly efficient implicit finite difference scheme for acoustic wave propagation
A Malkoti, N Vedanti, RK Tiwari
Journal of Applied Geophysics 161, 204-215, 2019
An algorithm for fast elastic wave simulation using a vectorized finite difference operator
A Malkoti, N Vedanti, RK Tiwari
Computers & Geosciences 116, 23-31, 2018
Rayleigh-wave H/V ratio measurement from ambient noise cross-correlations and its sensitivity to VP: a numerical study
A Malkoti, A Datta, SM Hanasoge
Geophysical Journal International 227 (1), 472-482, 2021
Investigation of petrophysical properties and ultrasonic P-and S-wave attenuation in Deccan Flood Basalts, India
N Vedanti, KJP Lakshmi, S Dutta, A Malkoti, OP Pandey
SEG International Exposition and 85th Annual Meeting, 3274-3278, 2015
A cell-centered implicit finite difference scheme to study wave propagation in acoustic media: A numerical modeling
S Kumawat, A Malkoti, SK Vishwakarma
Journal of Sound and Vibration 590, 118601, 2024
Upscaling acoustic wave equation using renormalization group theory
A Malkoti, SM Hanasoge, RE Plessix
Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 2507-2511, 2022
Upscaling acoustic wave equation using renormalization group theory
A Malkoti, SM Hanasoge, RÉ Plessix
Geophysics 87 (4), T281-T290, 2022
Inversion of well log data using improved shale model for determination of petrophysical parameters
A Malkoti, N Vedanti, AK Bhattacharya
J Indian Geophys Union 21, 96-104, 2017
Modeling viscoelastic seismic wave propagation in Deccan flood basalt, western India
A Malkoti, N Vedanti, P Kunagu, RK Tiwari
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, 3764-3768, 2015
Structural model of coal-bearing Raniganj Formation derived from petrophysical data in the Raniganj (E) block, India
P Kumar, NA George, SN Ahmed, A Malkoti, SK Sinha, N Vedanti, R Dhar
National Conference on Rock Deformation and Structures (RDS) at IISER Bhopal, 2024
Application of fractional Gaussian Fractal-Based Stochastic Seismic Inversion to F3-Netherland dataset
S Singh, S Kalyankar, A Malkoti, N Vedanti
The International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy at Houston, Texas, 2024
Challenges in permeability prediction concerning geological carbon sequestration: A case study from Ankleshwar oil field, India
U Vadapalli, A Malkoti, N Vedanti
Role of Geoscience in Carbon Storage by Society of Exploation Geophysicist …, 2024
Geological sequestration of the CO2 in the potential coal seams from the Raniganj basin
P Kumar, A Malkoti, N Vedanti
Role of Geosciences in Carbon Storage by Society of Exploration Geophysicist …, 2024
Application of Seismic Exploration Techniques in Exploration of Unconventional Hydrocarbons and CCS projects
A Malkoti, N Vedanti
International Conference on Petroleum, Hydrogen and Decarbonization at IIT …, 2023
Homogenization of Elastic Wave Equation using Renormalization Group Theory
B Illa, A Malkoti, S Hanasoge
Americal Geophysical Union, 2023
Field-scale and site-specific permeability of sandstone reservoirs using a stabilized Monte Carlo algorithm: A case study
U Vadapalli, A Malkoti, N Vedanti, VP Dimri, H Guruhappa
Geophysics 87 (6), B337-B350, 2022
Rayleigh wave H/V amplitude ratio measurement using multicomponent ambient noise cross-correlations, and its relationship to Vp/Vs
A Malkoti, A Datta, SM Hanasoge
EarthArXiv preprint, 2020
H/V amplitude ratio measurement using multicomponent ambient noise cross-correlations and its relationship to Vp/Vs
A Malkoti, A Datta, SM Hanasoge
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020
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